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LASI 170 Introduction to Library Research

About the Class

“I think this class was useful in developing my research skills. I wish I would have taken it at a lower grade level instead of my senior year.” Next comment: “Awesome class. I wish I had taken this before all my other classes. It was really useful, I actually think it should be a required core class!” Next comment: “The class went really smooth overall. That was my only concern coming into this class, is that it might be a little rocky because it's an online class.” Next comment: “It was a fun class and I have learned a lot of useful information that I did not know about. I will use what I have learn in the future on other classes.” Next comment: “The course helps you really understand all aspects of research and writing a research paper.” Final comment: “Overall pretty simple and straight forward class that helped me better understand how to use online library database and it taught me how to research better”

About the Instructor

“I think the teacher really helped me understand the importance of more professional research opposed to simply using google for everything.” Next Comment: “I think this course provides the appropriate framework for proper research and development of research skills. I do not believe there is anything that needs to be changed.” Next Comment: “I felt as though it were really easy to ask questions and I feel like the instructor gave great feedback when necessary.” Next Comment: “The instructor gave us feedback on just about everything we did in the class, so this helped out tremendously for future assignments.” Final Comment: “My questions were answered in timely and I never felt ignored by the instructor”

Students recommend this class for...

“I feel that this course is an awesome resource for all students to use. I wish I had taken it my freshman year.” Next comment: “I think this class should be required for all students. It has helped me know how to search and know what to do with the information I have found.” Next comment: “I think this course should be required by all high schools. The information on how to use online library is going to be very useful to me in the future, as well as for helping my kids research. Thank you so much for offering this class. Next comment: “Would highly recommend to my peers who are inexperienced researchers or going to researched based fields.” Final comment: “This is a good course for incoming freshmen or transfer students.”

What Students Learned

“I really enjoyed this course! It taught me a lot about research that I didn't have any idea was even out there. Also helped me improve my MLA citations. Thanks for all the help throughout the semester, I wish I would have taken it sooner I feel like it would have benefited me throughout the years! ” Next comment: “I really felt I had a good grasp on outlining and the use of electronic databases, but I honestly learned there was more out there and different forms. The outlines helped refresh me and added a couple things I did realize I was doing wrong.” Next comment: “Advisors should really suggest this class early on, most of the searching I knew how to do prior was from learning when my husband was in graduate school. It would help people stop relying so much on google, because databases allow you to pinpoint what you are looking for so much better!” Final comment: “I feel like this class has really help expand my knowledge on how to use my tools for writing papers.”

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X