Footnote and endnote citations for articles in magazines and newspapers closely follow the form of citations for scholarly articles, but there are two significant differences:
Magazine article:
Mark Schapiro, “New Power for ‘Old Europe,’” The Nation, December 27, 2004.
Magazine article, with a DOI:
John H. Reif, "Scaling Up DNA Computation," Science 332 no. 6034 , June 3, 2011, 1156-1157 , doi: 10.1126/science.1208068.
Magazine article, with a Web address and no author:
"Beyond the Box: Television Rushes Online, Only to Wonder Where the Money is," Economist, 395 no. 8680, April 29, 2010,
Newspaper article:
Steve Lohr, "Health Care Technology is a Promise Unfinanced," The New York Times, December 3, 2004.
Newspaper article with a Web address and no author:
"Hypersonic Passenger Jet to Run on Clean Fuel is Unveiled at Paris Air Show," The Los Angeles Times, June 21, 2011.
Magazine or newspaper article, with the name of a library database:
The Manual contradicts itself on whether this construction of a citation is acceptable or not. Sections 14.271-272 of the Manual describe this form of citation as being acceptable, whereas sections 14.184-185 say it is not a recognized form in the Chicago style. Sections 14.199-213, which offer guidance on citing magazines and newspapers, do not provide an example of this type of citation.
Bibliography citations for newspaper articles closely follow the form of citations for scholarly articles, but there is one significant difference: When a newspaper article has no author you cite it in the bibliography using the name of the newspaper as the author -- see section 14.207 of the Manual for further information. The Manual does not explicitly say to treat magazine articles with no author in the same manner, though doing so would allow for consistency in the structure of your bibliography citations.
Magazine article:
Schapiro, Mark. “New Power for ‘Old Europe.’” The Nation. December 27, 2004.
Magazine article, with a DOI:
Reif, John H. "Scaling Up DNA Computation." Science 332 no. 6034: 1156-1157. June 3, 2011 . doi:10.1126/science.1208068.
Magazine article, with a Web address and no author:
"Beyond the Box: Television Rushes Online, Only to Wonder Where the Money is." Economist, 395 no. 8680: 5-7. April 29, 2010,
Newspaper article:
Lohr, Steve. "Health Care Technology is a Promise Unfinanced." New York Times, December 3, 2004.
Newspaper article with a Web address and no author:
"Hypersonic Passenger Jet to Run on Clean Fuel is Unveiled at Paris Air Show." Los Angeles Times, June 21, 2011.
Bibliography citations for newspaper articles closely follow the form of citations for scholarly articles, but there is one significant difference: When a newspaper article has no author you cite it in the bibliography using the name of the newspaper as the author -- see section 14.207 of the Manual for further information. The Manual does not explicitly say to treat magazine articles with no author in the same manner, though doing so would allow for consistency in the structure of your bibliography citations.
Magazine article:
Schapiro, Mark. 2004. “New Power for ‘Old Europe.’” The Nation. December 27.
Magazine article, with a DOI:
Reif, John H. 2001. "Scaling Up DNA Computation." Science (332)6034: 1156-1157. June 3. doi:10.1126/science.1208068.
Magazine article, with a Web address and no author:
"Beyond the Box: Television Rushes Online, Only to Wonder Where the Money is." 2010. Economist, 395(8680): 5-7. April 29.
Newspaper article:
Lohr, Steve. 2004. "Health Care Technology is a Promise Unfinanced." New York Times, December 3.
Newspaper article with a Web address and no author:
"Hypersonic Passenger Jet to Run on Clean Fuel is Unveiled at Paris Air Show." 2011. Los Angeles Times, June 21.