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Circulation Desk Services

  • Change Services: Change is available from the change machine and the Circulation Desk. The change machine is located east of the Circulation Desk and will provide change for $1 and $5 bills. The Circulation Desk will provide change for $5, $10, and $20 bills.
  • Compact Shelving: Materials located in compact shelving may be requested in person, by telephone, or by e-mail. In-person and telephone requests made while the library is open will be retrieved by Circulation staff immediately if staffing permits. Compact Shelving Guidelines
  • Fine Payment: The Circulation Desk on the first floor accepts payments of fines and fees. More information about fines can be found on Circulation Fines & Fees.
  • Graduate Locker: Library lockers are available for semester checkout for WSU graduate students in order to facilitate research involving library materials. Library staff at the Circulation Desk on the first floor can provide more information and locker applications.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Loan: Graduate Teaching Assistants may request GTA  library privileges. See the Circulation Desk for details.
  • Lost & Found: Have you lost something in the library? Check at the Circulation Desk. Lost Shocker Cards are taken to the Shocker Card Center weekly. All other items are taken to the campus police.
  • Items for Sale at the Circulation Desk: Blue books, earbuds, and reusable bags can be purchased at the Circulation Desk.
    • Blue Books: Small - $0.25; Large - $0.35.
    • Earbuds: $3.00
    • Reusable Bags: $1.50
  • Proxy Card: Authorize another person to check out library materials on your library account. Print and return the completed Proxy Permission Form to the Circulation Desk.
  • Rush Processing: Records of newly acquired books and books that are on order are listed in the online catalog. Patrons who wish to be notified when these items are available may request them at the Circulation Desk.
  • Searches: Searches may be requested by patrons when library items that are not checked out cannot be found. Patrons should check the item's shelf location as well as the appropriate sorting area prior to requesting a search.

Books, Articles, Course Reserves & More

  • Book Purchase Request: WSU Libraries welcomes your recommendation to purchase a book, journal, electronic resource, video or other items. The appropriate Liaison Librarian will review this request. Items are selected for purchase according to the WSU libraries collection development policies. Fill out the Purchase Request Form to submit a recommendation.
  • Book Return: Materials may be returned directly to staff members at the Circulation Desk or by mail. Ablah Library also provides several book drops: in front of the Circulation Desk, one in the northwest vestibule near the 24 Hour Study Room, and one outdoor drop located on the east side of the library. There is also a book drop at WSU Old Town.
  • Book Transfer: WSU students taking courses at the WSU South are eligible to have library books transferred from Ablah Library to the closest satellite facility for their convenience. Call Circulation Desk for details.
  • Course Reserves: Course Reserve contains materials in high demand, generally those needed for class assignments. These materials are placed in Reserve on a temporary basis by instructors for courses being taught that semester. Search Course Reserves (print only) using the online catalog. Electronic Course Reserves are embedded in your Blackboard Course. WSU Faculty and instructors can request items be placed on reserve. Instructions for placing items on reserve can be found on the Course and Electronic Reserve WSU Instructor Homepage.
  • Holds and Recalls: Holds and recalls can be placed on items that are currently checked out. Items ready to be picked up are available at the Ablah Library Circulation Desk. Instructions for placing a hold or recall can be found on the Holds and Recalls webpage.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Using Tipasa (the world's first cloud-based Interlibrary Loan management system) you can submit a request to borrow materials from other libraries. Go to the Interlibrary Loan Homepage to request materials. You can pick up your requested items at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of Ablah Library.
  • Renew Your Items: Library items can be renewed online, in person, by telephone, mail or email. Not all items are eligible for renewal. Detailed renewal instructions and contact information are on the Circulation Renewals page. Online renewal is available using your WSU Library account. For Interlibrary Loan items, renewals must be requested via your ILL account.
  • Special Collections: Special Collections' materials are available for on-site use only. Information about many of the collections is available on the WSU Libraries online catalog. Information about other collections is available through finding aids. Some materials also are available in digital formats. Special Collections Homepage
  • Textbook Collection: The textbook collection was started through a gift from Mrs. Marge Page, a longtime supporter of the Wichita State University Libraries. Use the library's online catalog to search for textbooks. Staff at the University Libraries' Help Desk and Circulation Desk can assist with searches and questions.

Community User (Visitor) Services

Faculty Services

  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Using Tipasa (Interlibrary Loan Internet Accessible Database) you can submit a request to borrow materials from other libraries. Go to the Interlibrary Loan Homepage to request materials. You can pick up your requested items at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of Ablah Library.
  • Library Instruction Request: WSU faculty and instructors can request library instruction sessions for their classes. Library Instruction Homepage
  • Proxy Permission Request: WSU Faculty can authorize another person to check out library materials on their library account. Completed forms should be returned to the Circulation Desk. Proxy Permission Form

Rooms & Study Spaces

  • 24 Hour Study Space: Located on the west side of the library, the 24 Hour Study space is available 24/ hours a day, 7 days a week. Open during library hours of operation and available after the library closes by swiping your WSU ID from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. A restroom is available within the space as well as vending machines (including hot coffee), computers, various types of seating, white boards, and power outlets and charging ports built into the furniture.
  • Individual Study Rooms: 12 individual study rooms provide single-occupancy spaces for WSU students to work or study. They can be reserved online up to one week in advance. They are available for up to three hours at a time. They include large desks, seating, and access to electrical outlets. 
  • Seminar Room: A seminar room is available for reservation on the second floor of Ablah Library. The room contains equipment to allow students to practice presentations. Book a Seminar Room
  • Sound Booth: Located on the first floor of Ablah Library, the Sound Booth is designed for sound isolation and significantly reduces ambient and acoustic noise and can be used for voice recording, practice and rehearsals and music recording. Book C-Space Sound Booth
  • Group Study Rooms: Group study rooms are located throughout the Ablah Library. Book a Study Room 
  • Study Spaces: Open study areas are available on all levels of the library with a variety of seating options. Individual study carrels are available on the second, third and lower levels. Large tables are available for group study on the second floor. Other tables are areas for group study are located on the second, third and lower levels.

Technology in the Library

  • Tech Hub: Tech Hub is located on the first floor of Ablah Library. Windows and Mac computers, and printers are available for student use in this space. Also included are advanced media technologies: 3D printing, advanced development zone, media design zone, multi-OS zone and sound booth. Tech Hub Homepage
  • Print, Copy & Scan
    • Copiers: Copiers are available on the first level of Ablah Library. Copiers are also available at the Music Library. Use your Papercut account to pay for copies.
    • Printers: Black and white printers are available on the first floor of Ablah Library and the Music Library. Color printing is also available. Use your Papercut account to pay for printing.
    • Scanners: Flatbed scanners are located on the first floor of Ablah Library for student and visitor use. A planetary or overhead book scanner is located in the learning commons area on the first floor of Ablah Library.
  • Report Issue with an Electronic Resource: Use the Electronic Resources Issue Form to report problems associated with the Libraries' electronic journals and databases.
  • Technology Equipment: The library offers various technology equipment for general use and checkout. Equipment includes audio and video equipment, projectors, 3D Pen, Drawing Tablet, cables and calculators. Check the Technology Equipment Homepage for all available equipment.
Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X