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Music Library Services

  • Audio and Video Stations: Audio/visual playback equipment for compact disc, LP, DVD, blu-ray, laser disc, and VHS formats. Headphones are available at the Circulation Desk. 
  • Computer, Printer, Copier:  Mac and Windows computers are available. Papercut account is used to pay for copy and print services.
  • Course Reserves: Course reserves materials can be checked out at the Circulation Desk.
  • Holds and Recalls: Holds and recalls can be placed on items that are currently checked out. For further details, inquire at the Circulation Desk.
  • Keyboard Studio:  88-key electronic keyboard with headphones, for playing through a music score in the collection or for creating and/or editing one's musical work.
  • Language Lab:  For classes upon reservation by MCLL instructors, individuals may utilize classroom stations upon request when not otherwise reserved.
  • Music Resources Library Guide
  • Research Help: The Music/Fine Arts Librarian is available for research assistance or class library instruction by prior arrangement. Please phone (316-978-3029) in advance to arrange a mutually convenient time. See also the Library Guide for Music Resources
  • Search Assistance: May be requested when library items cannot be found. Inquiry at the Circulation Desk.
  • Study Areas: Open study areas for individual and group study.
Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X