From the Organize tab, you can work with your groups and see which groups colleagues have shared with you. Manage My Groups allows you to Create, rename, delete and share groups:
To manage sharing, click in the check box to select the group you want to share with colleagues who also have EndNote Online accounts. Then, click on the Manage Sharing button:
At the next screen, click on the Start sharing this group link:
Enter up to 1,000 e-mail addresses of people with whom you want to share the group. Then, decide if you want to allow them to just look at your group (Read only), or if you want them to be able to look and make changes (Read & Write) to references in your group. Then, click on Apply:
The resulting screen gives you the option to add more names. If you are done, click on the Close Window link:
Your new, shared group will be displayed:
Creating a group:
EndNote allows you to create “groups,” or subsets, of references from your library. This means that you can create a group of the relevant citations for each of your research projects, or for sections of your research project. Here’s how:
Sharing Libraries using EndNote Desktop:
Joining a library someone else has shared with you:
Other notes about sharing: