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Library Technologies

One Button Studio


One Button studio

One button studio is a simplified video recording studio where in the students can record high quality videos without any hassle of setting up the lights and camera. You only need to carry a flash drive with you. The studio is available for all the Wichita State University staff, faculty and students. It can be used for:

  • Recording a class presentation.

  • Practicing your thesis dissertation defenses.

  • Practicing for a play.

  • Recording online instructions or training video.

  • Practicing for your interviews.


  Step 1: Connect your USB drive to the USB hub and wait until you see the cameras input.

  Step 2 : Switch on the surge protector to turn on the LED lights. Switch off the room lights.

  Step 3: Push the button or rotate it counter clockwise, to start recording. For the recording, stand on the markings on the                                       floor.

  Step 4: Push the button or rotate it counter –clockwise to stop recording. Wait until the system writes the file to your USB                                        drive.

  Step 5 : Unplug the USB drive . Switch on the rom lights. Switch off the surge – protector. Check out at cspace.

General Policies:

  • The One Button Studio may be reserved by all the Wichita State University students, faculty, and staff during the following timings:

           Monday to Thursday - 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM

           Friday - 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

          Saturday - 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM

          Sunday - 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM

  • Reservations can be made through the link:

  • Reservations are canceled after 15 minutes if the person who made the reservation does not checkout the room from C-Space.

  • Reservations may be made for up to 4 hours a day.

  • Occupants are responsible for all room equipment and with the same setup.

  • Reasonable noise levels should be maintained.

  • To prevent noise from leaving the room, the door should be closed at all times when the room is in use.

  • USB Flash Drives should be used to save and transfer recorded video. Flash Drives are available for checkout at Library Circulation Desk.

  •  Your flash drive has to be  formatted to FAT32 or HFS+.

  • Occupants should report to C-Space desk, about a faulty device or software as soon as it comes to their attention.

  • All users are supposed to checkout at C-Space desk after using the One Button Studio service.


Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X