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Citation Searching for Tenure & Promotion Files


Try These First!
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 Search Method

Scopus **
Largest abstract and citation
database of peer-review
literature including scientific
journals, books, & conference
proceedings. Includes over
71 million records and 23,700
titles from 5,000 publishers. 


​Scopus defaults to the “Document search” screen. Click on Authors link at the top to go to the “Author search” screen. Enter Author’s last name and first name. Click on Search. (An alternative author search is to enter the author’s ORCID, if known, and click on Search).

Check whatever boxes refer to the author in question. Click on Show Documents. Results will display articles, proceedings, etc. by the author indexed in Scopus with their title, authors, year, source, and # of times cited. The latter links to the citing articles.

To see articles and other documents by the author not indexed in Scopus but found in references, click on Secondary Documents in the upper right. The # of times cited will be displayed for each secondary document.

Google Scholar

“Broadly search for scholarly literature… across many disciplines and sources,” including articles, theses, books and more.

Sign up for Google Scholar Citations while you're here, and keep track of citations to your articles.

Click drop-down arrow in search box to access Advanced Scholar Search. Type author’s name into authored by search box. In results list, click on Cited by link to view references for publications in which document has been cited.

Click on the My Citations link at the top of the page. If you already have a gmail or other Google account, sign in. If not, click on the Create an account link near the bottom of the page and sign up. Click here for instructions on setting up your Google Scholar profile. It's quick and easy!

Google Books

“Search the full text of books…If the book is out of copyright, or the publisher has given us permission, you’ll be able to see a preview of the book, and in some cases the entire text.”

Type author’s name into search box, and click on Search Books. Majority of search results will be books written by that author, but look for titles that are followed by a page number—more likely to be ones in which name was mentioned in text or references. Click on title to view page, or piece of page, on which name was found (highlighted in yellow).

Search Journals
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  • Some of the databases below provide a special option for citation searching, making the process faster and easier. These databases will be identified with a blue ribbon: 
  • The remaining databases require a more time-consuming approach that entails some "digging" through the full text of articles. This process, however, can often be very fruitful. 


 Search Method


Indexes scholarly journals & trade publications in business and economics worldwide.                 

Click on Command Line link above search boxes. In search box, type CAU(last name) to search for author's name as a cited author, or REF(last name) to search for author's name in the references. In results list, click on the References link below a record, and then use FIND to locate name in the reference list.

Annual Reviews **  

“Authoritative reviews in 41 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences,” including Economics."

Click on Advanced Search link in upper right-hand corner of page (under orangeSEARCH button). Enter author's name in first search box on left-hand side of page, and select Cited Author from drop-down list. From results list, bring an article to the screen, and use FIND to locate name in text/references. Some articles will not be available in full text. 

arXiv e-Print Archive 

Open access to over 807,732 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics.

Click on Advanced Search link in upper right-hand corner of page. Scroll down to grayExperimental full text search box. Enter author’s name; choose subject area from drop-down list if desired. In results list, name may appear as the author of a work. In other cases, name appears in an excerpt below the article title. For these, click on article title, and then click on PDF link on upper right-hand corner of screen underDownload. Use FIND to locate name in document/references.

Business Abstracts with Full Text** 
Indexes leading business research and trade journals and magazines.

Type author’s name in first search box, and select TX All Text Fields from drop-down list. In box at beginning of second row, change AND to NOT. Then, type same author's name in second search box, and choose AU Author, Personal from drop-down list (will limit results to articles where name does not appear as an author). Limit results to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, if desired. From results list, bring an article to the screen (if available) and use FIND to locate name in text/references.

Business Insights: Essentials** 
Indexes journals in business, finance, and management.

Use Advanced Search. Type author’s name in first search box, and choose Entire Document from drop-down list. In box at beginning of second row, change AND toNOT. Then, type same author's name in second search box, and choose Author from drop-down list. Limit Content Type to JournalsClick on a title from results list. UseFIND to locate name in text/references.

ECO (Electronic Collections Online)**
A collection of scholarly e-journals. Includes Business and Economics, and other social sciences.

Use Advanced search to search author’s name in Reference field. Click on a title from results list, and scroll down to see name highlighted in yellow in reference list.

ingentaconnect **

Comprehensive collection of academic and professional research articles in all subject areas.

Use Advanced search. Type author’s name in Search for box—choose either In article titlekeywords or abstract, or In article fulltext. In search results, click on a title to view abstract (when available). If author's name appears in abstract, it will also likely appear in references. Some articles free or open access; majority available through subscription or individual article purchase. To check for availability through WSU Library, search the journal title in the online catalog.

Indexes core scholarly journals in business, education, health, arts & humanities, life sciences, literature, & physical and social sciences.

Click on Advanced Search link. Type author’s name in first search box, and chooseFull text from drop-down list. In box at beginning of second row, change AND toNOT. Then, type same author's name in second search box, and choose authorfrom drop-down list (will limit results to articles where name does not appear as an author). In search results, click on PDF link, and use FIND to locate name in text/references.


Citations to articles in all major law reviews, law journals, specialty law and bar association journals, and legal newspapers. 


Click on Advanced Search link in gold toolbar near top of search screen. ChooseEntire Document from first drop-down list, and enter author's name in search box. In box at beginning of second row, change And to Not. Then, choose authorfrom drop-down list and type same author's name in second search box (will limit results to articles where name does not appear as an author). Limit results to peer-reviewed publications if desired. In results list, click on title or full text link (when available) of a document, and use FIND to locate name in text/references.
“Over 230 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas.”  IncludesEconomics.

Click on Advanced Search link to right of search box. In Keywords section of page, enter author’s name in Text/Abstract/Title box. In results list, author’s name is shown in context—frequently in the References. Click on PDF or Full Text link to bring an article to the screen, and use FIND to locate name. WSU Library does not subscribe to all journals in this collection.


Project MUSE **
(Johns Hopkins University Press)
Indexes high quality, peer reviewed journals in the humanities and social sciences.

Type author’s name in search box at top of page. On results page, click on orangeMODIFY SEARCH button near top of page. New search options will appear. In drop-down box between rows of search boxes, change AND to NOT. In drop-down between the two rows of search boxes, change Content to Author, and type same author's name in second search box (will limit results to articles where name does not appear as an author). Rerun search. In results list, each record displays an excerpt from the article showing where author’s name appears. Bring full text of article to screen (when available), and use FIND to locate author’s name.

“Online access to the full text of individual SAGE journals” in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine.

Click on small Advanced Search link under search box on upper right-hand side of page. Type author’s name in search box, and choose References from drop-down list of fields. Click on References link, when available, below a record to view article’s reference list, or bring full text to the screen. Use FIND to locate name.


Indexes over 600 periodicals and scholarly journals in all areas of the social sciences.

Type author’s name in first search box, and select TX All Text fields from drop-down list. In box at beginning of second row, change AND to NOT. Then, type same author's name in second search box, and choose AU Author, Personal from drop-down list (will limit results to articles where name does not appear as an author). Limit results to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, if desired. From results list, bring an article to the screen (if available) and use FIND to locate name in text/references.

University of Chicago Press Journals **

Covers “over 50 journals and hardcover serials, presenting original research from international scholars in the social sciences, humanities, education, biological and medical sciences, and physical sciences.” Includes Economics.

Type author’s name in search box (says SEARCH SITE) in upper right-hand corner of screen. In search results, click on a title and use FIND to locate name in text/references.

Search Books
    ** indicates that you must be a WSU faculty, student or staff to access


 Search Method


Books in all subject areas.

Select Books search. Type author’s name into search box. For books that are part of Amazon’s Look Inside! program, a book Excerpt will be provided in results list. Click on page number after word Excerpt to view page(s) on which name occurs (must create a free account to use this feature). If name appears as author of a Look Inside!book, click on title, and scroll down page to occasionally see an orange heading labeled Citations, which may provide a list of other books in Amazon that have cited the book. Citing page numbers will be included with links.

eBook Collection **
Over 7,000 reference and other e-books in all subject areas purchased and shared with libraries in Kansas and 11 other states as well as a public collection of nearly 4,000 e-books that are in the public domain.

Use Advanced Search, and choose TX All Text Fields in drop-down box. Type in author’s name. In results list, click on a title to see Most Relevant Pages From This Book. An excerpt of the context in which the author’s name appeared will be displayed, along with links to view the full pages.


Collection of e-book reference works in all disciplines.

Use Advanced Search to search author’s name in Entire Document field. After clicking on the full text link of a document in results list, use FIND to locate name in text/references.

Search Journals & Books
     ** indicates that you must be a WSU faculty, student or staff to access


 Search Method


Indexes over 400 journals in economics and related fields as well as proceedings, essay collections, books, book reviews, dissertations and working papers.

Type author’s name in first search box, and choose TX All Text from drop-down list. In box at beginning of second row, change AND to NOT.  Then, type same author's name in second search box, and choose AU Author from drop-down list. Click on a title from results list to view abstract. Name will sometimes be highlighted along with some reference information. Full-text is not available in this database, but some articles may be available through WSU Library subscriptions.

IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service)
Searches the RePEc database (Research Papers in Economics) of working papers, journal articles, books, book chapters, and more.

Click on Advanced Search link below search box. Type author’s name into Search for: box, and select Author from drop-down list in search In: box. Click on a title from results list, and scroll down to Statistics heading at bottom of screen. Click on Access and download statistics to see number of views and downloads over last several years. Some records also list citing articles under the Citations heading. NOTE: Some articles are available for free download; others may be accessed by subscription or purchase. To see if available from the WSU Library, search for the title in the online catalog.

“Journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books.”

Click on Advanced search link in gray bar in upper right-hand corner of screen. Type author’s name into Search box in center part of screen, and select References from drop-down list of fields. In results list, click on Show preview link, and then onReferences. Name is highlighted in References. References are only available for journals to which the WSU Library subscribes.

Wiley Online Library **
“Access to over 4 million articles across nearly 1500 journals and 11,500 online books, and hundreds of reference works… covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.”

Use Advanced Search to search author’s name in References field. In results list, click on References link for a record to view reference list. Use FIND to locate name inReferences. References are only available for journals to which the WSU Library subscribes.

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