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Resource of the Month (ROTM)


Statista provides immediate access to over one million statistics and facts on many topics including media, business, politics, society, technology, health, and education. Sources include market reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Ready-made charts and infographics, like the ones below, can be downloaded in PNG, Powerpoint, Excel, or PDF formats for presentations and research papers or embedded in web pages. Click on the graphic above to link to Statista or go directly to Statista is also found in the library's A-Z Databases List.
Signup for a webinar
To learn more about Statista, attend one of three training webinars to be held this month for students, faculty, and staff in Ablah Library, RM 217: (Registration is not required, but would be helpful.) 
Monday, October 8            2:00-3:00 pm
Friday, October 19             noon-1:00 pm
Thursday, October 25        10:00-11:00 am






Statista provides over a million statistics on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources including market reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Originally geared towards business and marketing statistical needs, there is now a great deal of content available for students and faculty needing statistical information on topics in media, politics, society, technology, health, and education. The focus is on current statistics. 

Get important statistics as well as full reports (dossiers), forecasts and surveys, industry and country reports, infographics, and topic overviews. Use Statista's digital market and consumer market expert tools and company database for marketing research. Statista has a wealth of statistical information ready-made for your research papers and presentations.

Using Menu Bar at the Top. The items in the menu bar  provide descriptions and examples of the various types of data available in Statista, but do not provide a way to search. (See below to learn how to use the Search Box to search for statistics on a particular topic.) However, items found in the menu bar under the various headings may be of interest and provide a path to data on the featured topics. The tabs include: Statistics (most-viewed statistics and trending topics), Reports (Dossiers - topic overviews; Outlook Reports - forecasts or current trends; Surveys - current consumer and expert insights, Toplists -identify top companies in a given industry or region, Market Studies on all current hot topics, Industry Reports including an Industry Report of the Week, Country Reports, Further Studies - in depth topic reports); Expert Tools (Digital Market Outlook - presents current data on markets of the digital economy; Consumer Market Outlook - presents key performance indicators of most important consumer markets worldwide; Mobility Market Outlook - presents key figures from the world of automotive and mobility; Company Database); Infographics (current and popular infographics as well as an infographic newsletter with daily infographics about trending topics covering media and society).

Using the Search Box. The search box on the Statista homepage is a good starting point for all searches on a particular topic.

  • Entering a term into the search box will locate everything in the database related to your search term.
  • When the results come up, use the check boxes on the left to select only the things that are relevant to you. 

Search Results. The results are "sorted by relevance" with the location focus usually "United States", by default. Both may be changed by using the drop down menus. When a location focus is selected, the results for that location will appear at the top, though results for all locations are included. 

From the left hand column, select the statistics, reports, and/or 
expert tools that provide results for your topic: 

  • Statistics
    • Statistics make up the bulk of your results and since
      hey are collected from many sources, there may be 
      some duplication.
    • Forecasts & Surveys . Forecasts are outlook reports 
      on current trends while Surveys contain quantitative 
      data from consumer and expert surveys.
    • Infographics display data visually. 
    • Topics. Topic pages provide an overview of a topic, 
      gathering together a list of important statistics related 
      to that topic, including a Dossier for that topic 
      (see below for description)
  • Studies and Reports 
    • Dossiers are complete reports that gather everything
      elevant to a subject all in one document. They can be 
      downloaded in PDF or PPT format. 
    • Statista studies are compiled by Statista for some 
      topics and provide further information.
    • Industry & country reports are available for 170 
      industries and 150 countries containing all data relevant
      to a specific industry, including revenue forecasts, or 
      to a specific country. 
    • Additional studies is a collection of relevant studies 
      hat examine the topic more deeply.
  • Expert tools -  apply to statistics related to market research
    • Digital Markets
    • Consumer Markets
    • Mobility Markets
    • Companies
  • Search Accuracy 
    • Normal: searches for the entered terms by means of
      an AND connective
    • Wide: searches for the entered terms by means of an
      OR connective
    • High: displays only the most relevant results of a search
      for the entered terms using an AND connective
  • Regions - choose a specific region and/or country to 
    eliminate all other results from the page.
  • Industry - choose a general industry and/or subcategory.
  • Publication date choose a specific year; date ranges are 
    not available.
  • Archives - search for older statistics, if available for your topic.


1. Results list from search, "human trafficking" sorted by "relevance" with the geographic focus of "united states":


2. Statistic selected from "human trafficking" results list:

3. Topic overview selected from "human trafficking" results list:

4. Infographic selected from "human trafficking" results list:



1. Results list from search, "connected car" sorted by "relevance" with the geographic focus of "united states":

2. Topic overview selected from "connected car" results list:

3. Dossier selected from "connected car" results list:

4. Digital Market report selected from "connected car" results list:

1. Results list from search, "health care" sorted by "relevance" with the geographic focus of "united states":


2. Topic overview selected from "health care" results list:

3. Industry and County Report selected from "health care" results list:

4. Infographic selected from "health care" results list:


You can conveniently download statistics in different formats. Simply click on one of the buttons for the different formats located to the right of the statistic: PNG, PDF, XLS and PPT. All of the Statista reports can also be downloaded.

Linking and Embedding

A linking URL and an embedding code are provided to the right of an infographic.


A drop-down menu to the right of a statistic and below an infographic provides options for citing in several styles: APA, Bluebook, Chicago, Harvard, and MLA.

Training Webinars Hosted by WSU Libraries

To learn more about Statista, attend one of three training webinars to be held this month for students, faculty, and staff in Ablah Library, RM 217: (Registration is not required, but would be helpful.) To sign up, click on one of the dates below.
Monday, October 8            2:00-3:00 pm
Friday, October 19             noon-1:00 pm
Thursday, October 25        10:00-11:00 am

Statista Videos

For assistance or if you have questions about Statista, please contact the Subject Librarian assigned to the subject area in question. You may also contact a librarian through Ask A Librarian.

Lists of librarians by both subject area and college are found at





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