Ablah Library has Snowball microphones, TV/FM receivers, an audio cassette player, and headsets available for checkout.
Media equipment checks out for differing amounts of time, please see individual item for checkout period. Checkout is limited to WSU students, staff and faculty, and an Equipment Loan Agreement Form must be current and on file.
There are two Snowball microphones available for checkout up to three(3) days. Checkout is limited to WSU students, staff and faculty.
The accessories available for checkout with Microphone are:
There are 4 large screen televisions in Ablah Library's Learning Commons. Audio is broadcast over designated FM channels. Five TV/FM receivers that receive sound on designated FM stations are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk.
Click to slide images
Ablah Library has several headsets available for checkout. Checkout time varies based on the headset type. Regular headsets check out for in-library use only for the day. Bose Headphones check out for in-library use only for 4 hours.
Ablah Library also has earbuds available for purchase at the Circulation Desk. Earbuds are $3.00 each
Additionally, one Rockstar Belkin adapter is available for checkout. It connects up to 5 headsets into one 3.5mm headphone jack.
The University Libraries has an audio cassette player available for a four (4) hour in-library use checkout at the Circulation Desk.