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ANTH 327/REL 327 Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion

Book Databases

Selected Books

Finding Ethnographies in the Online Catalog

To find a book-length ethnography on a particular ethnic group:

1. Go to the Online Catalog. Use the Keyword Anywhere search for single terms or phrases and for combining terms with "and". Use the Keyword Anywhere (and, or not) search when combining terms with "or".

2. If possible, identify the name for the ethnic group used as a subject heading in the Online Catalog.

                     !kung (african people)   
                     navajo indians

3. Search by the name of the ethnic group. Consider ethnonyms (alternative names) and/or variant spellings. Use the subject heading name, if known. Truncate for singular and plural terms, if appropriate.

                     navajo or navaho or dine or dene
                     nava? or dine or dene
                     "!kung bushmen" or "!kung african people"

4. Add one or more of the following terms or phrases to your search statement:

                     social life  (from subject heading: social life and customs)
                     ethnograph? (to cover both "ethnography" and "ethnographic

Some examples of keyword search statements:

  • nava?o people
  • (nava?o or dine) and "social life and customs"
  • tuareg? and ("social life" or ethnology)
  • nuer? and ("social life" or ethnology or ethnograph?)

You will probably need to actually look at a book to make sure it is an ethnography. Once you have identified the call number of an ethnography for a particular group, you will be able to browse other ethnographies shelfed nearby. Remember that many books are now being purchased as ebooks and are only available electronically. If you find an ebook, you will need to browse it online to make sure it is an appropriate ethnography.

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