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GEOL 690AC Issues in Marine Environments

Welcome to the library guide for GEOL 690AC!

Welcome to the library guide for GEO 690AC - Issues in Marine Environments. Please use these selected resources to aid you in your class assignments, research projects, and further study. Most of these resources are available online. Only WSU students, staff, or faculty may access resources tagged Restricted to current WSU students, faculty & staff.

To identify and access specific types of resources, select one of the tabs at the top of the left hand column.


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Log in with your myWSU and password to request a copy of an article or book. Articles are emailed to you and requests can usually be filled within 24 hours. Books take 3-5 days on average and are sent to Ablah Library for you to pick up. It's free!

Getting Help

If you have any questions, please contact  the Geology Librarian -- Nathan Filbert. His contact information is located in the left hand column. If not available or if you don't have time to make an appointment, please contact another librarian using any of the methods listed below:

  • Instant Message: Use the chat box on this page to send us a message
  • Call: (316) 978-3584
  • Text: (316) 453-6911
  • Email: Click here
  • Tech Help: Having trouble with Blackboard or your myWSU account? Call the Help Desk at (316) 978-4357.
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