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Electronic Resources

E-Resource License Terms of Use Definitions

WSU Libraries provides access to databases and electronic journals (e-journals) in many subject areas. Although, they are available to anyone present in the library, off campus access is available only to WSU faculty, staff, and students.

License Terms of Use The databases and e-journals provided by the WSU Libraries have license agreements that determine how we are allowed to use each electronic resource.  Failure to follow the agreement will result in the loss of the use of the electronic resource for everyone and could possibly result in legal action. The View Terms of Use link on the E-Journal Portal search results page provides a summary of the license terms for each resource. 

Screenshot of the terms of use link


License Terms of Use Definitions


 The right to gain entry to an electronic resource.

Applicable Copyright Law

 U.S. copyright law is agreed to in the license agreement.

Authorized Users

People who are allowed to use an electronic resource.  This refers to current WSU students, faculty, and staff plus walk-in patrons from the public while they are in the WSU Libraries.

Concurrent Users

The number of people allowed to access the electronic resource at one time.

Course Pack Electronic

The right of current WSU faculty to use the licensed materials in electronic collections for classroom purposes.

Course Pack Print

The right of current WSU faculty to use the licensed materials in print collections compiled for classroom purposes.

Course Reserve

Allows current WSU faculty to make print or electronic copies to put on reserve for purposes of course instruction.

Digitally Copy

Allows authorized users to download and save a portion of the licensed material.

Distance Learning

The right to use the licensed materials in distance education.

Electronic Link

This allows authorized users to link to the licensed material.  The link must be directly to the electronic resource or the article within the electronic resource.  Example:  Linking to an article through BlackBoard.

Electronic Resource

An electronic journal (e-journal), database, or electronic book (eBook) provided by the University Libraries.

Fair Use Clause Indicator

If present, authorized users have all the rights allowed under the U.S. Copyright Law's fair use provisions.  Fair use rights include, but are not limited to, printing, downloading, and copying.


InterLibrary Loan

ILL Electronic (email)

The right of WSU Libraries to provide the licensed materials via ILL by way of email.

ILL Print or Fax

The right of WSU Libraries to provide the licensed materials via ILL in the form of print copies or fax transactions.

ILL Secure Electronic

The right of WSU Libraries to provide the licensed materials via ILL by way of secure electronic trnasmission such as Ariel.

ILL Record Keeping

The requirment to keep records of ILL activity and provide reports to the vendor at periodic intervals, or upon request.

On-Site User

People who are in the library.

Print Copy

The right of an authorized user to print some portion of the licensed materials.

Remote Access

Also known as off-campus access, this allows authorized users to access an electronic resource from a location off the WSU campus.  Example:  Accessing from a home computer.

Scholarly Sharing

The right of an authorized user to share a portion of the licensed materials, in print or electronic form, with a third party.  Example:  Emailing an article to a co-author not affiliated with WSU.


Acceptable Use Policies Computer acceptable use policies for the Wichita State University Libraries and WSU can be found here:

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X