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Community User Services

Community User Checkout Services

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Community Users are eligible for limited library privileges. A Community User card is required to checkout library materials and may be obtained at the Circulation desk in Ablah Library. There are three types of Community Users:

Community Borrower:  adult resident of Kansas; Kansas student in the 9th grade or above
Community Researcher:  current paid member of the WSU Alumni Association; Innovation Campus affiliate, e.g.Airbus employee; member of the WSU Board of Trustees; spouse/partner of WSU faculty or staff member; faculty member or student affiliated with another Kansas institution of higher ed that is currently a member of KCALDD (Kansas Council of Academic Library Deans and Directors) 
Library Associate: current paid member of the Library Associates of the University Libraries

For information on each type of community user, please use the tabs above.

If you have questions, contact the Circulation Desk at 316-978-3582.

Community Borrowers are:

  • adult residents of Kansas.  
  • Kansas high school students, 9th grade and above

Checkout and Other Privileges

  • Free checkout privileges
  • First checkout limited to 4 books. Subsequent checkouts limited to 10 books.
  • Eligible for Hold service, but not campus delivery
  • Requires Community User Library Card to checkout books
  • Registration requires
    • valid photo ID
    • proof of SSN or FEIN or MyWSU ID, if alumnus
    • proof of local mailing address and valid email address
  • Renewed annually by patron

Library Card Guidelines for Community Borrowers

  • Cards will not be made for members of a group visit during the visit.
  • Cards will be issued to individuals only, not to institutions. Community Users must show Social Security number verification before a card will be issued.
  • The first card issued is free to those persons who have never had a WSU ID card. Patrons will be charged a $1.00 replacement fee for any lost or damaged card.
  • Cards will expire a year from the date created. There is no charge for renewals as long as the ID card is kept. Continued borrowing privileges are contingent upon adherence to the Library's lending regulations.
  • The items checked out may be a combination of books, government documents, or microforms. No additional items may be checked out until the original items have been returned.
  • Items may be renewed twice by bringing them to the Circulation Desk. In addition, most general circulating books may be renewed by telephone, by email, or by Viewing You Account. Click here for information on renewing items.
  • Reference books, periodicals, and DVDs books may be used only in the Library. Course Reserve materials are limited to enrolled WSU students. 
  • Materials may not be checked out through Interlibrary Loan. Check with your public library about interlibrary loan services.
  • If a book is kept past the due date located on the receipt received during checkout, the patron will be charged a fine. If a book is lost or not returned, the patron must pay for the cost of the book plus a $15.00 processing fee. Fine information is found in the Circulation Guide.
  • For exceptions to the above lending regulations, a Community User's Exception form must be completed and approved by the Access Services Manager. These exception forms must be completed each semester to continue with extra privileges. 

Community Borrower privileges do NOT include:

  • Course Reserve materials
  • Interlibrary Loan  (check with your local public library about interlibrary loan services)
  • Recall Service
  • Library Facilities during Finals Extended Hours
  • Study Room Reservations
  • Library Equipment (except for headphones)
  • Off-Campus access to electronic resources licensed to WSU Libraries. However, all Community Users have access to electronic databases provided through the Kansas Library eCard.

Exceptions: Reserve, interlibrary loan, and study room reservations will be handled on a case-by-case basis by Access Services staff. 

Community Researchers are:

  • Innovation Campus affiliates, e.g. Airbus employees
  • members of the WSU Alumni Association with proof of current membership
  • member of the WSU Board of Trustees
  • spouse/partner of WSU faculty or staff member
  • students or faculty members affiliated with institutions of higher education in Kansas that are members of KCALDD (Kansas Council of Academic Library Deans and Directors) 

Checkout and Other Privileges

  • Free checkout privileges
  • First checkout limited to 4 books. Subsequent checkouts limited to 15 books.
  • Limit of 4 books from the Leisure Reading Collection and 4 DVDs.
  • Eligible for Hold service, but not campus delivery
  • Requires Community User Library Card to checkout books
  • Registration requires
    • valid photo ID
    • proof of SSN or FEIN or MyWSU ID, if alumnus
    • proof of local mailing address and valid email address
    • proof of affiliation with another college or university in Kansas, current paid membership in WSU Alumni Association, or affiliation with Innovation Campus entity
  • Renewed annually by patron

Shocker ID Card Guidelines for Community Researchers

  • Cards will not be made for members of a group visit during the visit.
  • Cards will be issued to individuals only, not to institutions.Community Users must show Social Security number verification before a card will be issued.
  • The first card issued is free to those persons who have never had a WSU ID card. Patrons will be charged a $1.00 replacement fee for any lost or damaged card
  • Cards will expire a year from the date created. There is no charge for renewals as long as the ID card is kept. Continued borrowing privileges are contingent upon adherence to the Library's lending regulations.
  • The items checked out may be a combination of books, government documents, or microforms. No additional items may be checked out until the original items have been returned.
  • Items may be renewed twice by bringing them to the Circulation Desk. In addition, most general circulating books may be renewed by telephone, by email, or by Viewing You Account. Click here for information on renewing items.
  • Reference books and periodicals may be used only in the Library. Course Reserve materials are limited to enrolled WSU students.
  • Materials may not be checked out through Interlibrary Loan. Inquire at your public library about Interlibrary Loan services.
  • If a book is kept past the due date on the receipt received at checkout, the patron will be charged a fine.  If a book is lost or not returned, the patron must pay for the cost of the book plus a $10.00 processing fee.  Fine information is found in the Fines & Fee Guide.
  • For exceptions to the above lending regulations, a Community User's Exception form must be completed and approved by the Access Services Manager. These exception forms must be completed each semester to continue with extra privileges. 

Community Researcher privileges do NOT include:

  • Course Reserve materials
  • Interlibrary Loan   (check with your local public library about interlibrary loan services)
  • Recall Service
  • Library Facilities during Finals Extended Hours
  • Study Room Reservations
  • Library Equipment (except for headphones)
  • Off-Campus access to electronic resources licensed to WSU Libraries. However, all Community Users have access to electronic databases provided through the Kansas Library eCard.

Exceptions: Reserve, interlibrary loan, and study room reservations will be handled on a case-by case basis by Access Services staff. 

The Library Associates was established to help build support in the community for the University Libraries. Each year, the organization sponsors informational community programs and engages in activities designed to create public awareness. All persons interested in the Libraries are eligible for membership.

There are three categories of membership:

Annual                   $100
Benefactor             $1,000
President's Club    $3,500

Library Associate members at any level receive the following checkout privileges:

  • Student checkout limits for books and DVDs.
  • Interlibrary loan privileges, up to 25 items per year
  • Eligible for Hold service, but not campus delivery
  • Requires Community User Library Card or existing Shocker ID to checkout books
  • Registration requires
    • valid photo ID
    • proof of SSN or FEIN or MyWSU ID, if alumnus
    • proof of local mailing address and valid email address
    • Library Associate membership
  • Renewed annually by patron, if the Annual membership

Library Associate membership fees may be sent to the Office of the Dean, University Libraries, Wichita State University, 1845 Fairmount St., Wichita, KS 67208-9988. Include phone number and email address. Specify membership level. To obtain a Library Card to checkout materials, go the Circulation Desk in Ablah Library.

Shocker ID Card Guidelines for Library Associates

  • Cards will not be made for members of a group visit during the visit.
  • Cards will be issued to individuals only, not to institutions.Community Users must show Social Security number verification before a card will be issued.
  • The first card issued is free to those persons who have never had a WSU ID card. Patrons will be charged a $1.00 replacement fee for any lost or damaged card
  • Cards will expire a year from the date created. There is no charge for renewals as long as the ID card is kept. Continued borrowing privileges are contingent upon adherence to the Library's lending regulations.
  • The items checked out may be a combination of books, government documents, or microforms. No additional items may be checked out until the original items have been returned.
  • Items may be renewed twice by bringing them to the Circulation Desk. In addition, most general circulating books may be renewed by telephone, by email, or by Viewing You Account. Click here for information on renewing items.
  • Reference books and periodicals may be used only in the Library. Course Reserve materials are limited to enrolled WSU students.
  • If a book is kept past the due date stamped on the date due slip in the front of the book, the patron will be charged a fine.  If a book is lost or not returned, the patron must pay for the cost of the book plus a $15.00 processing fee.  Fine information is found in the Circulation Guide.
  • For exceptions to the above lending regulations, a Community User's Exception form must be completed and approved by the Access Services Manager. These exception forms must be completed each semester to continue with extra privileges. 

Library Associate checkout privileges do NOT include:

  • Course Reserve materials
  • Recall Service
  • Library Facilities during Finals Extended Hours
  • Study Room Reservations
  • Library Equipment (except for headphones)
  • Off-Campus access to electronic resources licensed to WSU Libraries. However, all Community Users have access to electronic databases provided through the Kansas Library eCard.

Exceptions: Reserve and study room reservations will be handled on a case-by case basis by Access Services staff.

Use of Social Security Numbers

To obtain a WSU library card, Community Users must provide proof of Social Security Number (SSN) or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). In order to protect its financial interests, the University works with the State of Kansas to participate in the State’s set-off and write-off programs which requires the University to provide either a SSN or FEIN. WSU Libraries keeps private patron information secured in a locked drawer. SSNs are entered into the Library’s circulation system, but are not accessible to student employees. Community User registration cards are shredded after one year of no activity if no financial hold has been placed on the library account. 

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X