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Circulation Page - A description of services available to WSU Students, Faculty, Staff and Community Users at Ablah Library



Circulation Fines

There are no overdue fines on Non-Reserve materials (most books, CD/DVD-ROMS, Government Documents, Maps and Microform) unless the item is recalled or goes into lost status (40 days overdue). Fines on Scores, Periodicals, Phonodiscs, and DVDs are $0.25 per day with a maximum of $10.00 per item. Equipment fines are $1.70 per hour with a maximum fine of $40.00. A $10.00 non-refundable processing fee is added to any item which goes into lost status (40 days overdue). Borrowing privileges are blocked when $25.00 or more is owed for the current semester.

Recall Fines

Fines on recalled items are $1.00 per day. The maximum fine on any recalled item is $40.00 per item. For more information, please go to the Holds and Recalls page.

Reserve Fines

Reserve material fines are $0.60 per hour for “In Library Use Only” items with a maximum fine of $10.00 per item per day. The fine for one-day, three-day, and seven-day items is $0.50 per day with a maximum of $10.00 per item. Textbook fines are $0.10 per minute with a maximum of $100.00 per item. Popular reading and 4wk Reserve Items are $0.25 per day.

Grace Periods

There is a five-day grace period on Popular Reading and Scores; however, fines do accumulate during the grace period.  If an item is returned before the end of the grace period, no fine is charged. The grace period does not apply to periodicals, reserve material, special exceptions, laptops, or recalled items. 

*Fines are cumulative.  If fines remain under $5.00 during a semester, the fines will be dropped at the beginning of the following semester.

Lost Charges

When an item becomes 40 days overdue, the borrower is charged replacement costs plus a $10.00 non-refundable processing fee per item. There is a minimum charge of $25.00 per lost item. If the lost item is returned within one year of the due date, the lost charge is removed and the $10 non-refundable processing fee is due instead. Exception: lost single issues of periodicals are replaced immediately after they become 40 days overdue. Patrons will be responsible for the replacement and processing costs of these issues even if they return the lost item. 

Damage Charges

Damage charges are determined on a case-by-case basis by Technical Services staff. If the item is damaged beyond repair, replacement and processing charges will be billed.

Fine Reduction Option

If a patron’s fines exceed $25.00, the patron is eligible for a one-time-only reduction in fines.  The patron pays $25.00 and the remaining fines are forgiven. No reductions are allowed on items returned more than a year overdue, lost charges or damage charges.  This reduction must be requested at the Circulation Desk prior to any fine payment.  Once the reduction option is used, the patron will be responsible for all future fines accrued.

How to pay fines

To pay your fines, please do one of the following:

  • Come into the Ablah Library to make a payment with cash, check or credit card
  • Contact the Ablah Library at (316) 978-3582 to speak to a staff member to make a payment over the phone
  • If your fines have been transferred to Banner, payment can be made through your Student Account Suite


The appeals process allows patrons of the Wichita State University Libraries to appeal overdue fines, lost fees, and other charges applied to their accounts.

WSU Libraries Appeals Form

Questions Frequently Asked About Appeals

Q: Who can appeal charges on a library account?
A: Any registered user of Wichita State University Libraries has the option to contest charges on their library account including WSU students, faculty, staff, and Community Users if they believe the fees have been mistakenly assessed or if extenuating circumstances may warrant reduction or cancelation of the charges.

Q: How do I appeal charges on my library record?
A: You may submit an Appeal for Waiver or Reduction of Library Fines/Lost Charges form to the Circulation Desk within six months after the due date of the item(s) in question. Forms can be picked up at Circulation or printed from the above link. You will be notified by mail a few weeks before the Appeal Committee is scheduled to hear your case.

Q: How often does the Appeals Committee meet?
A: The University Senate's Library Appeals Committee meets once a semester. You will be notified by email or US postal service mail concerning the date, time, and location of the meeting.

Q: What is the Appeals Committee?
A: The University Senate's Library Appeals Committee comprises faculty, staff, and students from across campus.

Q: What are reasons for which an appeal will be denied?
A: The following reasons are generally not regarded as valid for canceling or reducing charges:

  • Lack of knowledge of library policy
  • Disagreement with library fine or fee structure
  • Material loaned to a third party
  • Non-receipt or late receipt of library reminder notice
  • Returning items to libraries other than the WSU libraries
  • Being out of town
  • Forgetting the due date
  • Term breaks, vacations, exams, car problems, etc.
Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X