If an article with no DOI but with the rest of bibliographic information (authors, title, volume, issue, and page numbers) is retrieved from a database, do NOT list the database name or database URL. The bibliographic information is sufficient to locate the article.
DOI stands for digital object identifier. It is a number assigned to an article that uniquely points to that article, no matter where you find the number reproduced on the Web. Books have international standard book numbers, or ISBNs that identify that book uniquely -- a DOI is like an ISBN for an article.
Continuous pagination means that the first issue of a particular volume of a journal publishes articles starting with page 1 and ending on page 162 (for example). Then, the second issue of that volume begins on page 163. Journals that employ continuous pagination like this often do not have issue numbers, as all you need to find an article in its body of publications is the volume number and the article's page numbers.
Article citations in your list of references generally use the following structure:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (2009). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Name of journal, volume number(issue
number), page numbers. DOI
Journal article, single author, from a journal with continuous pagination, with a DOI:
Yuksel, I. (2015). The role of renewables in meeting Turkey's energy demand. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery,
Utilization & Environmental Effects, 31, 1915-1925. doi:10.1080/15567030802462911
Journal article, 2-20 authors, from a journal with separate pagination, without a DOI:
Ballard, S. D., March, G., & Sand, J. K. (2015). Creation of a research community in a K-12 school research and evidence
based practice. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 4(2), 8-36. Retrieved from
Journal article, 21 or more authors:
Guyatt, G., Cairns, J., Churchill, D., Cook, D., Haynes, R. B. Hirsh, J., Irvine, J., Levine, M., Levine, M., Nishikawa, J., Sackett, D., Brill-
Edwards, P., Gerstein, H., Gibson, J.,Jaeschke, R., Kerigan, A., Neville, A., Panju, A., Detsky, A., Enkin, M., Frid, P... Tugwell, P.
(1992). Evidence-Based Medicine: A New Approach to Teaching the Practice of Medicine. JAMA, 268(17), 2420-2425.
Magazine article, with publication months, continuous pagination:
Ferguson, S. (1990, September/October). America's frustration with the homeless. Utne Reader, 41, 50-55.
Newspaper article, with publication month and day:
Lohr, S. (2004, December 3). Health care technology is a promise unfinanced. The New York Times, p. C5.
Newspaper article, no author:
Environmental audits being considered by EC. (1991, February 11). Wall Street Journal, p. A8.
Based upon the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, section 10.01., and the College of St. Scholastica.