Use one or more of these databases to look for journal articles on your topic. It is a good idea to look for the option to limit your search to scholarly or peer reviewed journals in each database to ensure that you are finding the most academic and research-oreinted journals. Most will offer one or both of these options (sometimes called limits).
Login with your myWSU ID and password to request a copy of an article or book. WSU Libraries participates in RapidILL, so articles are emailed within 24 hours (and often come as soon as 1-2 hours after they're requested). Books are shipped within 24 hours of the request and are sent to Ablah Library for you to pick up. It's free!
The ERIC (EBSCO) link below goes to a commercial version of the database that also give you access to the WSU Library's online journal subscriptions. The second link goes to the official, U.S. Department of Education version of ERIC, and does not offer access to the Library's subscriptions. You will be able to continue to use this version of the database when you are no longer students at WSU.