Full-text financial and other information on U.S. and international companies. Also provides access to EDGAR SEC filings. Search by company name or NAICS/SIC code. Coverage: latest 15 years. 25 simultaneous users
Includes access to:
International Inactive Data
Expanded Long Term Debt
US Earnings Estimates
International Earnings Estimates
Institutional Holdings
Insider Holdings
US Equity Pricing
International Equity Pricing
Unadjusted Pricing
North American Annual Reports
International Annual Reports
Equity Reports
Equity Reports Integrated Search
Economic Time Series
Market Share
World Market Share Reporter is one of the most comprehensive sources for global market share data.
The most recent editions are available as an ebook:
Provides up to date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management and sales to growing or rescuing a business. The database contains nearly 400 full-text periodicals and over 450 full-text reference books. Terms of Use