Use this set of criteria to help you evaluate the quality of the information you find, in print and online.
This handout provides a more detailed description of the criteria used for evaluating information sources, including websites.
Log in with your myWSU ID and password to request a copy of an article or book. Articles are emailed to you and requets can usually be filled within a couple of days. Books take 3-5 days on average and are sent to Ablah Library for you to pick up. It's free!
As you get started in searching for scholarly literature on your topics you may want to consult WSU Libraries' Guide How Do I Find Articles - which includes images and tutorials for efficiently locating and refining your searches in our databases, click above, or for interactive tutorial, click here:
A very good place to begin searching is by utilizing WSU Libraries' SmartSearch Discovery Tool which searches the library catalog and most of the databases listed below at once - with useful filtering tools to focus your search among the vast resources available - SmartSearch Advanced Search!/advanced