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Graduate School Survival Guide

Tours of Ablah Library

Discover the Secrets of Ablah LibraryGetting Started with Library Resources, Spring 2025

February 7 at noon (Click to register.)

February 11 at 3-3:45PM (Click to register.)

Tour Ablah Library to see the new spaces in Ablah library and learn about other library services and collections. Meet by the Circulation Desk for the tour.

An introduction to digital services and collections will take place in 217 Ablah after the tour. Learn how to navigate the library homepage to find online articles and other research sources, streaming movies and music, and interlibrary loan. Identify the best librarian to help with your research. 

All students and employees are welcome. This event is co-listed on the  Welcomefest calendar. Those who register will receive an email reminder two days before the event. There are lots of services, collections and spaces at University Libraries that will help you be the best student you can be! 

Welcome to Graduate School!

Welcome to University Libraries! If you are new to Wichita State, please view the PowerPoint presentation for an introduction to our basic services and collections. We have study rooms, 3-D printer, sound booth, theses, rare books and other primary research materials, streaming media, and many other services and collections. View the presentation below for more information.

In addition to services and collections available to all students, we have some services of more interest to graduate students and teaching assistants.


Most WSU library books may be checked out for four weeks. The first renewal for each book may be requested online through the "My Account" tab in the Online Catalog, and a second renewal (for a total of 12 weeks) may be requested with a phone call to the Circulation Desk at 978-3582. However, Teaching Assistants may apply for extended book loans. Click here for the request form, which is listed under "other request forms."


ILL will help researchers obtain books, articles, videos, and other materials not available at University Libraries. Click here to create an account and make a request. The request form may be completed manually, but most library databases include a link to ILL which completes the form automatically. Ask a librarian for more information. 

Scan-on-Demand is a fee-based service. If an item is available in print at University Libraries and NOT electronically, ILL will scan it and send it to you electronically for a fee. Click here for more information.


Lockers are available for students completing a thesis or dissertation. Click here for the "Graduate Locker Request" policy and form.

Thesis and dissertations available from Wichita State as well as other schools may be helpful. The Theses and Dissertations library guide has more information.


Librarians are available for consultation and instruction. Click on the "Contact a Subject Librarian" tab in the box below for the name and contact information for the librarian who liaisons with your college or academic department. Library databases and other electronic resources are listed on the A-Z Databases page. Resources are also listed on library guides. Guides are listed here by subject and course. There are also guides about library-related topics, such as how to use specific databases, finding reliable resources, and SAC/SGA DVD collection.


Teaching assistants may find it helpful to schedule a librarian to teach basic research skills and library research skills to your classes. Librarians can help your students learn how to access articles and other library resources, how to select appropriate resources and other library and research-related topics. Click here for the Library Resources for Classroom Instruction library guide for more information. Librarians are available to teach whenever classes are scheduled. This includes throughout the day, in the evenings, at the main campus and all satellite campuses. Click here for the Instruction Request Form or contact your liaison librarian directly.

Librarians may also be embedded in Blackboard and provide other research support for your students. Ask a librarian for more information or see this library guide.

Course reserves are available for instructors. Click here for the request form and more information. Use Course Reserves to

  • Place personal materials such as article photocopies, books and videos in a safe location while allowing student access during all library hours
  • Allow student access to electronic copies of articles
  • Limit access and due dates for library books and other library materials
  • Provide student access to course materials, such as study guides, syllabi, and writing samples

Learning Express is a library database that has many tutorials. Learn how to use Microsoft Office tools and other software, prepare for many occupation exams, practice for the GRE, learn more about careers, or improve basic English or math skills.

Ask A Librarian

Come talk to a librarian in person at the Reference Desk on the first floor of Ablah Library. 

reference desk vector
What are some reasons to contact a librarian?

​      To find the best resources for your topic
      To discuss strategies and develop skills for searching article databases and the library catalog
      To identify and locate primary source materials


If a librarian is not available, you may also seek assistance from other library staff during library hours who will refer you to the appropriate librarian or department as necessary. 

See the full schedule of library hours including Reference Desk, presession, intersession, and holiday hours for the main library (Ablah) and for the Music branch library. Ablah Library hours are also available on an automated phone line: 316-978-3481.

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Chat with us or request a Zoom session via the adjacent chat box. Our chat service is staffed during Reference Desk hours
If chat is not available, send us a question via e-mail.

phone handset vector   
   Reference Desk (Ablah Library)  316-978-3584

  Circulation Desk (Ablah Library) 316-978-3582

  Music Library  316-978-3029

  Interlibrary Loan  316-978-3167

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         Email a librarian with your question
         or fill out this form.

Subject Librarians are available to help students, faculty, and staff with their research and library instruction needs. Use the left-hand navigation tabs to find the librarian assigned to a particular subject or college. Contact your subject librarian for assistance or to schedule an appointment for a research consultation.

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X