Browse thousands of titles in WSU Libraries by Subject - Sociology, or narrow your search to specific methods or subfields!
WSU Libraries also subscribes to hundreds of journals in the social sciences: Click Here to Browse Journals by Subject!
In Credo Reference, type a simple topic, such as "aging." Over to the right is a drop-down menu. Pick either "topic search" or "mind map" search (both are recommended) to learn more about topics related to the base topic. This process can help the researcher narrow a topic.
Discover research terms and find out what they mean by clicking the circles in the SAGE Methods Map. If you are looking for a particular concept, like "literature review" or "casuality," type that into the search box called "Search Methods Map."
The following news resources include "hot topics" or "current topics" to help the researcher find topic ideas that are currently relevant internationally or locally. "Hot topics" are usually listed in the left or right column and are readable by browsing through the headings.
Try Interlibrary Loan!
Log in with your myWSU ID and password to request a copy of an article or book. Articles are emailed to you and requets can usually be filled within a couple of days. Books take 3-5 days on average and are sent to Ablah Library for you to pick up. It's free!
Come talk to a librarian in person at the Reference Desk on the first floor of Ablah Library.
What are some reasons to contact a librarian?
To find the best resources for your topic
To discuss strategies and develop skills for searching article databases and the library catalog
To identify and locate primary source materials
If a librarian is not available, you may also seek assistance from other library staff during library hours who will refer you to the appropriate librarian or department as necessary.
See the full schedule of library hours including Reference Desk, presession, intersession, and holiday hours for the main library (Ablah) and for the Music branch library. Ablah Library hours are also available on an automated phone line: 316-978-3481.
Chat with us or request a Zoom session via the adjacent chat box. Our chat service is staffed during Reference Desk hours.
If chat is not available, send us a question via e-mail.
Reference Desk (Ablah Library) 316-978-3584
Circulation Desk (Ablah Library) 316-978-3582
Music Library 316-978-3029
Interlibrary Loan 316-978-3167
Subject Librarians are available to help students, faculty, and staff with their research and library instruction needs. Use the left-hand navigation tabs to find the librarian assigned to a particular subject or college. Contact your subject librarian for assistance or to schedule an appointment for a research consultation.