Zotero is a free, open source, web-based tool for management citations, organizing pdfs, and creating bibliographies. Go to the Zotero library guide for more information. Tutorials and help are also available through the Zotero website.
Mendeley is a free, web-based took for managing reference, creating bibliographies, and pdf organizater. Tutorials and help are available through the Mendeley website.
Citation management software allows you to organize and retrieve citations to books, articles, etc. from library databases. Once citations are captured, they can be stored and manipulated in mini-databases. Citations and footnotes can be inserted into word processing documents and stand-alone bibliographies saved in common word processing program formats. There are several citation management programs available to WSU students, faculty, and staff including EndNote (Desktop), Endnote Online, Mendeley, and Zotero.
EndNote Desktop is software program from Clarivate that allows you to store and manage bibliographic references for your research projects and papers. It can format references and automatically create bibliographies using a variety of styles such as APA, Chicago, and MLA. All WSU students, faculty, and staff can download the EndNote software for free. It is available for both Windows PC and Mac platforms. Go to the EndNote library guide for more information. Click here for a handout on downloading and using EndNote.
EndNote Online is a companion product to the desktop version of EndNote. It has many of the same features as EndNote desktop (such as the ability to save references, import references from databases, automatically insert footnotes and create bibliographies for research papers, etc.), but it also allows you to access your reference libraries over the Internet at any time, and from any computer anywhere. In addition, you can create groups of references that you can share with colleagues or collaborators anywhere in the world. References and pdf copies of articles saved in either EndNote desktop or EndNote Online can be automatically transferred from one product to the other. Go to the EndNote library guide for more information.