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SOC / REL 302: Religion and Society

This is a library guide about resources relevant to the course Religion and Society.

SOC / REL 302: Religion and Society

Welcome to the course guide for Religion and Society! This guide features library resources relevant to this Sociology and Religion course. For any questions about these resources, please contact Ethan Lindsay, the librarian for Sociology and Religion.

risingthermals (2020, June 18). We Trace Their Footsteps and Their Vision. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons license.

Related Library Guides

The general library guide for Sociology serves as an introduction to the main library resources, including the major databases, for the field of Sociology.

Sociology Library Guide

In addition, the the general library guide for Religion serves as an introduction to the main library resources, including the major databases, for the field of Religious Studies. 

Religion Library Guide

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