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Welcome to the Course Guide for Late Modern Philosophy
This guide includes resources that will assist you in completing your class assignments and research. Most of these resources are freely available online; for resources accessed through WSU Libraries online catalog, SmartSearch, or databases use your WSU ID and password to check out or access full texts or videos. If you have any questions, please contact your librarian, Nathan Filbert, or Ask-A-Librarian through chat, email, or by calling 978-3584!
Here are links to open-source readings you will be exploring in this course, as well as their digitized original publications when available through WSU Libraries (fun to see!) - you can also compare to other editions if that is of interest to you...
Digitized original: Serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest
These are spread among many digital originals available through the online catalog, for example: Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel, upon the following subjects; upon human nature. Upon the Government of the Tongue. Upon Compassion. Upon the Character of Balaam. Upon Resentment. Upon Forgiveness of Injuries. Upon Self-Deceit. Upon the Love of our Neighbour. Upon the Love of God. Upon the ignorance of man. To which are added, six sermons preached on public occasions. By Joseph Butler, LL. D. Late Lord Bishop of Durham
Digitized original: A treatise of human nature being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects. ... . of the understanding.
Digitized original (1748): Philosophical essays concerning human understanding / by the author of the Essays moral and political
Digitized original (1751): An enquiry concerning the principles of morals
Digitized version (1761): A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind. By John James Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva
Digitized version (1792): A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful. With an introductory discourse concerning taste, and several other additions
Digitized original (1790): Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event. In a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in Paris. By the Right Honourable Edmund Burke
Digitized Original (many versions) 1787: Thoughts and sentiments on the evil and wicked traffic of the slavery and commerce of the human species, humbly submitted to the inhabitants of Great-Britain by ... a native of Africa
Digitized original (many versions) 1790: A Vindication of the Rights of Men, in a Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke; Occasioned by His Reflections on the Revolution in France