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General guide for Nursing at Wichita State University


Hello and welcome! On this page you will find tabs on the left linking you to different types of resources useful for Nursing, such as article databases (and information on how to search them), reference tools offering background information to frame the field's research problems and debates, and online statistical sources and simulations. If you have any questions, please call or send me an e-mail.

Nursing guide intro photo

Lauren Nelson. (2009, Feb. 3). "The Doctor Will See You Now". Retrieved from  MediSave UK. (2008, Jul. 28). Littman Stethoscope.
Retrieved from  madichan. (2010, Oct. 26). 9th Annual Community Health Symposium. Retrieved from
All images u
sed under the Creative Commons License.

Guides to individual Nursing courses

The guide you are looking at offers resources applicable to the whole field of nursing.  Some WSU nursing courses have their own guides, offering resources more specific top these individual courses.

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