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College of Health Professions

Library resources for the College of Health Professions

Hello and welcome!  On this page you will find tabs on the left linking you to different types of resources useful for health research, such as article databases, a guide to evidence-based practice, and guides to project management and finding a career in the health professions.  Please note that online access to the article databases is restricted to current WSU students, as marked by a  icon.

If you have any questions, please call or send me an e-mail.  My contact info is on the left.

Medical doctors

Wellcome Images. (2015, June 30). Doctors During a Handover, U.K.. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons License.

Departmental library guides within the College of Health Professions

This is a general guide to the College of Health Professions resources.  You can find guides for specific health sciences disciplines listed below.

Carlos Rosas. (2007, Nov. 14). Objectivo 10x Lecia. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons License.

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