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Library Support for Faculty

Information about University Libraries resources for instructional use in the classroom, online courses, and Blackboard

Course and Electronic Reserves

Reserve is a library service available for all Wichita State instructors to make available course readings and other supplemental materials. The service has two separate parts; Course Reserves for physical items, and eReserves for licensed content from University Libraries' electronic resources.

The Reserve Request Form is used by instructors to request any physical and electronic item be placed on Reserve.

After processing, a list of all Reserve items will be available in Blackboard in the eReserve folder for a specific course. Links to physical items will take the student to the library catalog where they will see the status and location of the physical item, i.e. Ablah Library, MALIC, or the Chemistry Library. Links to electronic items will open a PDF document or item record from the licensed library database, providing online access to the student from Blackboard.

For more information, go to the Course and Electronic Reserves Guide or view the following videos.

WSU Libraries Videos

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X