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Library Support for Faculty

Information about University Libraries resources for instructional use in the classroom, online courses, and Blackboard

Online Catalog Links

Linking to Catalog Records
Each record in the online catalog contains a permanent link. This link is not the URL you will see in your browser's address bar, because it contains session data and will be inactive after a few minutes. The permanent link is available under the Holdings Information near the bottom of the record screen. It looks like this:

Linking to Course Reserves
The same permanent link is also available on every Course Reserves page. This will link your students directly 
to your reserve items, making it easy to create reading lists for your students.

Linking to Results Lists
You can also link to lists of search results in the online catalog if you perform a title, journal title, or any one of the keyword searches. For this purpose, the URL in your browser's address bar is a permanent link. This does not work with the author, subject heading, or call number searches.The results list will be updated every time a new item that fits the search criteria is added to the online catalog.

Complex Results Lists
To build permanent links to complex search results lists (incorporating library location, format, item date range, etc.) please contact Samuel Willis at 978-5104.

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X