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College of Health Professions Evidence Based Practice Portal

An interprofessional research portal for students in the Wichita State University College of Health Professions.


Once you have found evidence in support of your clinical question, you must then apply it to your situation. This may mean applying the studies found to case patients or real patients in a clinical setting. The resources on this page will provide you with more information on the questions you should ask.

Questions to Ask Yourself


  • Is the test affordable, accurate, and available in my hospital?
  • Can I estimate the pre-test probability of the disease in question?
  • Will the post-test probability affect my management?


  • Is my patient so different from those in the study group that the results cannot be applied?
  • According to the study results, how much would my patient benefit from the treatment?


  • Can the study results be applied to my patient?
  • What is my patient's risk for adverse effects?
  • Are there alternative therapies?


  • Is my patient similar to the patients in the study group?
  • How will the evidence influence my choice of treatment?



Electronic Posters

A scholarly poster is a way of presenting data from a research project and are often used at professional conferences. Posters combines a small amount of text, along with pictures, charts, and graphs in a visually engaging way.

Resources for Designing Posters

Tools for Creating Electronic Posters

Helpful Articles

Preparing and presenting effective research posters. Miller JE, Bloustein EJ. Health Serv Res. 2007 Jan;42(1):311-28. 

Ten steps to successful poster presentation. Hardicre J. Devitt P, Coad J. Br J Nurs. 2007 Apr 12;16(7):398-401.

Tip: Search for the article title in SmartSearch to access these articles.

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