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DH 334: Evidence-Based Practice

DH 334: Evidence-Based Practice

Hello and welcome!  On this page you will find tabs on the left linking you to different types of resources useful for DH 334.  In many ways this page is a portal to another guide, the Evidence-based Practice Portal, linked in the left-side navigation bar.  That said, you will find the other resources on this page of use, too -- in particular the article databases (also linked to the left).  Please note that online access to the article databases is restricted to current WSU students, as marked by a  icon.  Last but not least, the writing & citation help page offers writing resources and citation guides for when you have conducted some research, found some literature, and are wondering how best to proceed from there.

If you have any questions, please call or send me an e-mail.  My contact info is on the left.


Germanna CC. (2019, Feb. 2). 20190202_GCC @ Moss Dental Clinic. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons License.


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