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COMM 801: Intro to Research Methods

Find U.S. newspaper articles


Ready Elements. (2018, Feb. 21). Stacked Newspapers. Retrieved from Image released to the public domain.

Keeper of the Plains

ThreeIfByBike. (2010, May 6). Wichita-2. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons license.

Wichita Eagle:


Other parts of Kansas:


Kansas newspapers on the Web:

American flag on the side of a building

Jose Maria Cuellar. (2009, Sept. 7). America. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons license.


Directories of U.S. Newspapers online:

January 21, 2009 New York Times

Andrew Mager. (2009, Ja.n 21). January 21, 2009 New York Times. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons license.

African American teenager selling newspapers

Children's Bureau Centennial. (1921, Nov. 8). African American Newspaper Boy, 1921. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons license.

What types of sources will I find?

What types of sources are you likely to find when you search?  The answer depends on which resources you use to conduct your searches - databases will get you articles, the library catalog will get you books, the Web will get you websites, etc,  You can find links to these resources in the find background info, find articles, and find books and ebooks tabs in this guide's navigation menu.  What types of sources are best for your research project?  You can compare characteristics of different sources on the Types of sources tab under Evaluating information in the navigation menu.

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