Testing Services offers make-up exams, distance exams, national testing, proctoring services, and more. Testing, workshops, or general information is available for these exams: GED, ACT, SAT, TOEFL, CLEP, GRE, LSAT, TEAS, and CBASE/CAAP.
Professional Testing for Educators
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The school psychologist's guide for the praxis exam by Thompson, Peter D.Written by an award-winning practicing school psychologist, this thoroughly updated edition reflects the 2015 version of the Praxis Exam in School Psychology. Noted for its concise and efficient outline style with visual keys that indicate what is most important and what needs extra study time, this guide has already helped thousands pass the exam. The bulleted key concepts and lists versus long, drawn-out paragraphs present information in easily digestible segments without sacrificing key information needed to pass the exam. Invaluable study suggestions better prepare readers and build their confidence prior to exam time.