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HIST 512: Women and Reform in the United States, 1830-2000


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WSU Library Books on U.S. Women's Rights since 1830

  • The link above will take you into SmartSearch. This search is set to "catalog only" which means books and ebooks owned by WSU libraries.
  • Use the filters on the left to narrow your search and/or expand to include journal articles.
  • Click on a title and then browse related materials by clicking on a subject, e.g. Sex discrimination against women -- Law and legislation.

Browse by Call Number

  • Click the link above to browse through the top levels of the Library of Congress Classification System as presented in Wikipedia.
    • History books are usually, but not always, in D, E and F. Find the subcategory you want to explore--for example, DQ--then look for call numbers starting with DQ in the library stacks (shelves).
    • Women's history is often, but not always, in H.
    • All of the above are shelved on the 3rd floor.
  • Another strategy: find another book on your topic in the library catalog (click for example), then look on the shelves nearby.



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