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CESP 823: Experimental Design in Educational Research


ERIC is the major index to Education research. You can use ERIC to find reviews of tests.

Finding test reviews -- Method 1

This method searches for the name of the test in the title of the journal article. When the name of the test appears in the article title, that's a good sign that the test is a focus of the article. Search for the phrase "test reviews" in special subject words (SU Descriptors) that are added to each article description. Placing quotation marks around phrases (e.g. "test reviews") ensures that the computer will look for those words right next to each other. Other good search terms to try here include "test reliability" or "test validity". Be sure to check the box to retrieve Peer Reviewed journals only:

Finding test reviews -- Method 2

This method searches for the name of the test in all sections of the article description, and is useful when you are having trouble locating articles:

Accessing the full text of articles

In your search results, you will run into several different options for accessing the full text of the articles:

Option 1: If there is a link to the pdf version of the article, simply click on the link, and the article will come to the screen.

Option 2: This option typically takes you to the html (single long page) version of the article. Look for a link to the pdf  version somewhere on the html page.

Option 3: The full text of this article is not available in the database. Click on the green 360 Link to Full Text icon, and the computer will attempt to connect you to the article. If the WSU Library  subscribes to the journal in electronic format, you will be connected to the article. If it does not, you will see other options for getting a copy of the article, such as requesting a copy through the Library's InterLibrary Loan service.

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