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WSU Reads 2017: The Influencing Machine

Articles Related to The Influencing Machine


Cîrtiţă-Buzoianu, Cristina. 2012. "The Current Public Discourse and Mass-Media Influence." Scientific Journal of Humanistic Studies vol. 4, no. 6: 193-197.

Ericson, Staffan. 2016. "Stormy Weather: The Pre-and Post-history of Television." International Journal of Communication (Online) vol. 10: 5304-5323.

Nerone, John. 2015. "The History of Paper and Public Space." Media History vol. 21, no. 1: 1-7.

Find other articles related to the topics of the history and influence of the media, a central theme in The Influencing Machine, in the selected databases below. Note that this list is not a comprehensive list of the library's databases. To find the comprehensive list, click on the link to Electronic Databases on the WSU Libraries homepage. The truncation symbol for each database is the asterisk (*). Truncation allows the database to search for multiple word endings. Use quotation marks to search for phrases. See last tab in this box for additional search tips.

Sample keyword searches:

  • journalis* AND history (truncating journalis will find journalism, journalists, journalistic and other words that begin with the letters preceding the truncation symbol; most databases use the * asterisk as the truncation symbol)
  • "mass media" AND history
  • "newspaper publishing" AND history
  • "television broadcasting" AND history


Malcolm, Andrew. 2017 June 28. "We're Politically Divided and Hateful. Maybe that's the Media's Fault, too." The Wichita Eagle (Opinion Columns & Blogs).

Tameling, Klaske, and Marcel Broersma. 2013 Jan. 23. "De-converging the Newsroom: Strategies for Newsroom Change and Their Influence on Journalism Practice." The International Communication Gazette no. 1: 19.

Find other articles related to the topics of the influence of the media, a central theme in The Influencing Machine, in the selected databases below. Note that this list is not a comprehensive list of the library's databases. To find the comprehensive list, click on the link to Electronic Databases on the WSU Libraries homepage. The truncation symbol for each database is the asterisk (*). Truncation allows the database to search for multiple word endings. Use quotation marks to search for phrases. See last tab in this box for additional search tips.

Be sure to narrow the topic, such as the influence of the media on smoking or education policies. 

Sample keyword searches:

  • ethics AND "investigative reporting"
  • journalis* AND influenc*
  • "influence of the news"
  • "mass media" AND effectiveness AND smoking

Mascaro, Thomas A., Mike Conway, and Raluca Cozma. 2016. "Toward a Standard for the Evaluation of Documentary Journalism History." Journalism History no. 4: 222.

Tulloch, Christopher, Marcel Mauri, and Jaume Guillamet. 2017. "The Influence of the International Press and Foreign Correspondents in Transitional Democracies." Journalism Studies 18, no. 3: 304-321.

Find articles related to the influence of journalism, a central theme in The Influencing Machine, in the selected databases below. Note that this list is not a comprehensive list of the library's article databases. To find the comprehensive list, click on the link to Electronic Databases on the WSU Libraries homepage and limit the type of resource to abstracts or citations. The truncation symbol for each database is the asterisk (*). Use quotation marks to search for phrases.

Note that it will be important to identify WHAT has been influenced by the news, such as history, public opinion, legislation, etc.

Sample keyword search: news AND influence AND history

Tips for Finding Articles in the University Libraries

Where do I find articles?
Articles can be found in the following places: 

Smart Search - Use the Smart Search bar on the libraries' homepage to search for articles across the library's various resources.

Electronic Databases - Choose an individual database to search for articles. This link provides an A-Z list of all the library's electronic databases. Limit the type of resource to abstract or citations.

Interlibrary Loan If the libraries at WSU do not have the article you are looking for, you can request an interlibrary loan to borrow the article from another institution.

How do I search for articles?

  • Use keywords to search for articles on your topic. If your topic is "how does investigative journalism impact local policy" then your keywords would be: investigative journalism and local policy.
  • Use quotation marks around phrases to force the database to see the phrase as if it is one word.
  • Use AND to combine keywords in your search. For example, type the following into a search box for the previous topic: "investigative journalism AND "local policy"
  • Use the asterisk (*) for truncation in library databases. (Use the question mark (?) in the WSU Libraries Catalog.) In order to yield results for all tenses or roots of a specific word, add the truncation symbol at the end of the root word. For example, journal* or journal? will yield results for all of the words related to journalism, such as journalism, journalists, journalistic and other words that begin with the letters preceding the truncation symbol
  • Here is another search example: journalis* AND "local policy"

Google Scholar
You can also find articles using Google Scholar. 

Google Scholar Search
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