Trade associations often provide valuable information, data, and insight about trends in their industries.
Company Information
*See the Video Tutorials page for instructions on using these resources
Market Share
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies to identify industries. NAICS was adopted in 1997 to replace the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. Many sources provide information based on these codes.
If you are having trouble determining the NAICS code for an industry, but know a company that is part of that industry, you can use one of the sources on the next tab to help you determine the appropriate industry code.
NOTE: The codes themselves are an accepted standard, but the assigning of codes to companies is not centralized or standardized.
Use these codes as a guide to locate industry information, but don't get too locked into them - you will also find a lot of valuable information about your industry outside of traditionally coded resources.
Several business databases allow you to search NAICS codes within their search interfaces.
Search for a company by name to find which NAICS codes it's classified under.
To limit your results to industry reports in Business Source Complete you can select either Industry Overview under Document Type or Industry Profile under Publication Type. If you use both filters at once however, you may not retrieve any results.
To limit your results to industry reports in ABI/Inform Complete -- go to the Advanced Search page, scroll down to Document Type and select Industry Report. You can search reports by NAICS code or keyword.