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ANTH 736 Advanced Studies in Archaeology and Ethnohistory

Searching Tips

1. To locate an article in a scholarly journal, do a keyword or subject heading search in one of the databases listed on this web site under the tab, "Find Articles". Remember to limit by "scholarly journals" in the database, if available. Examples of keyword search statements:

                       cognitive archaeology
                       archaeological theories
                       archaeology and decolonization
                       processual archaeology                
2. Consider truncating terms in your search statement with an * asterisk to find alternative endings/spellings.

                       archaeolog* for archaeology, archaeologist, and archaeological
                          theor*   for theory, theoretical, and theories         
3. Consider whether or not there are multiple terms that could be searched for your topic. These terms can be searched together in "or" statements.
                         antiquities or ancient or prehistory or archaeology
                      zooarchaeology or animal remains
                      paleoethnobotany or archaeobotany
                      ceramics or pottery
                      lithics or stone tools

    4, Possible search statements:

                       archaeolog* and theor*
                  archaeolog* and culture history
                       archaeological and (ceramic* or pottery)                      
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