IMPORTANT: Scholarly articles only! No popular magazines
(such as Time & National Geographic), books, or book chapters.
Here is a link to the library instructional video on how to do the Journal Article Review Exercise:
Students will select and read a scientific article and turn in a 2-page, double-spaced report. The review must be preceded by a cover page and followed by a related citation page. Reviews will be graded based on quality, structure, content, and adherence to the prescribed format. When writing any assignment, refrain from plagiarism, write in your own text, and use proper citations. Quotes commonly often unnecessary and should not be widely used.
For this exercise, you need to find one scholarly article on a topic of your choosing in one of the following areas.
Human Evolution
Human Biology/Genetics/Variation/Adaptation
Skeletal Biology
How to Find an Article to Review
There are several options for finding scholarly journals to browse for articles of interest.
First, look over the titles of scholarly journals listed below. Select a journal title of interest to you.
Use the Online Catalog to search for the selected journal title. For example, you may be interested in browsing the issues of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, the premier journal for the field of Biological Anthropology. While it includes articles in all four areas, the journal focuses on skeletal biology.
To use the Ejournal Portal to find scholarly journals to browse for articles, click here and then enter the title of the journal.
To use a Database to find articles from scholarly journals, click on the tab on the left, "10-Topic Library Exercise (Searching Databases)" or the A-Z Database List on the library's homepage.
American Anthropologist
American Antiquity
American Journal of Anatomy
American Journal of Human Biology
American Journal of Human Genetics
American Journal of Pathology
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Journal of Primatology
Anatomical Record
Current Anthropology
Folia Primatologica
HOMO: Journal of Comparative Human Biology
Human Biology
Human Genetics
Human Heredity
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
International Journal of Primatology
Journal of Anthropological Research
Journal of Archaeological Science
Journal of Dental Research
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Journal of the History of Biology
Journal of Human Evolution
Journal of Medical Genetics
Journal of Pathology
Journal of Periodontal Research
Journal of the American Dental Association
Plains Anthropologist
As part of your assignment, you need to find three citations to scholarly articles that relate to the topic of the article you are reviewing. One way to find the three additional citations is to use the bibliography or cited references at the end of the review article. These references include the journals, books, and other documents consulted by the author in conducting his or her research and preparing the article.
Some important things to remember:
1. Berillon G, Daver, G, D'Aout K, Nicolas G, de la Villetanent B, Multon F, Digrandi G.,
Dubreui G. 2010. Bipedal versus quadrupedal hind limb and foot kinematics in a
captive sample of Papio anubis: setup and preliminary results. Int J Primatol
2. Berillon G, G. Daver, K. D'Aout, G. Nicolas, B. de la Villetanent, F. Multon, G. Digrandi,
G. Dubreui (2010) Bipedal versus quadrupedal hind limb and foot kinematics in a
captive sample of Papio anubis: setup and preliminary results. International Journal
of Primatology 31:159-180. Source: Article Bibliography.
Important Note
Another way to find your three additional citations is to use one of the databases -- Anthropology Plus or Social Sciences Full Text -- to search for citations related to the topic of your review article. For instructions on how to use the databases to find a scholarly article, go to the tab on the left - "10-Topic Library Exercise (Searching Databases)".