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ANTH 305 World Archaeology

Searching Tips

1. To locate an article in a scholarly journal, do a keyword or subject heading search in one of the databases listed on this web site. Remember to limit by "scholarly journals". Examples of keyword search statements:
               aztec culture
               aztec religio*
               maya* calendar

2. To locate an article in an anthropology encyclopedia, select one of the encyclopedias listed on the left and search by the topic.

3. To locate a book, do a search in the WSU Libraries Online Catalog. Examples of keyword search statements include:
               maya* temple*
               hopi antiquit*

4. Consider terms related to "archaeology" that could be used in a search on your topic, e.g. antiquities, ancient, excavations, prehistory.

5. Consider truncating terms in your search statement with an asterisk to find alternative endings/spellings. For example, "archaeolog*" will find "archaeology" and "archaeological".

Getting Help

If you have any questions, please contact Ethan Lindsay, Anthropology Librarian. (See left hand column of this page.) If not available, you may contact another librarian using any of the methods listed below:

  • Instant Message: Use the chat box on this page to send us a message
  • Call: (316) 978-3584
  • Text: (316) 453-6911
  • Email: Click here
  • Tech Help: Having trouble with Blackboard or your myWSU account? Call the Help Desk at (316) 978-4357.
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