Login with your myWSU ID and password to request a copy of an article or book. WSU Libraries participates in RapidILL, so articles are emailed within 24 hours (and often come as soon as 1-2 hours after they're requested). Books are shipped within 24 hours of the request and are sent to Ablah Library for you to pick up. It's free!
What is SmartSearch?
SmartSearch is a discovery search tool that allows users to search multiple databases and the library's online catalog to find the books, journal articles, news sources, videos, and other items. For a more concentrated search, it is beneficial to search electronic databases that are relevant to your chosen topic individually.
When using SmartSearch, results may be refined by:
International Newspaper Databases
For a complete list of the WSU Libraries news resources see the Newspapers Research Guide
Scholarly Databases for Academic Research
Multi-Subject Databases
Environmental Research
Literature Research