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PHIL 300: Science and the Modern World

Searching Critically & Strategically

Now that you have an idea of what you are searching for - it's time to dig deeper and get more specific - into primary research and review articles.  In order to do this, and to be assured that we're investigating credible, authoritative and relevant scholarly research, we will turn to subject-specific electronic databases and academic scientific journals.

Each database you search will provide you with help sections, tools and tips for searching their system most effectively.  Some basic things to remember when using computer systems for human use are the following:

  • USE AVAILABLE LIMITERS! Dates / Language / Document Type / Subject Categories, etc...
  • Put phrases in quotation marks to search for all the words together
  • eg: "enzyme inhibitors"
  • Use * to truncate words 
    • eg: immun* would find any words that start with immun, including immunity, immune, immunization, etc.
  • Make use of "Boolean Operators" - the connectors AND, OR and NOT to clarify your search

Below are some recommended databases to search research on your topics:

A key element of developing research is following references and citations found in resources that are useful to you.  Another is examining articles surrounding an article or review you've found particularly informative.  Academic journals often run themed issues, or specialize in particular aspects of their field or discipline.  Browsing issues or searching for related articles will often help you find alternate perspectives, arguments and affiliated research to the topic you are developing.  WSU Libraries provides access to thousands of scholarly scientific journals (both physically and electronically) that you can look through and search for here:

WSU Catalog by Journal Title

Electronic Journals by Subject

Electronic Journals by Title


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