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FYMU 102A: Music Makes You Smarter


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This guide is intended to help you to become more familiar with the library, locating information, and conducting research to complete your assignments. On the "First-Year Seminar Tutorials" page, you will find tutorials and quizzes to help guide you in exploring the wonderful resources available to you through the WSU Libraries.  If you have questions or need any further assistance, please contact your librarian, Rachel Crane, by email at: or by phone at 316-978-5078.

For more information on other music-related issues, please explore the: WSU Libraries subject guide for Music.


The Thurlow Lieurance Memorial Music Library

The Thurlow Lieurance Memorial Music Library is located in the Music and Languages Innovation Center (MALIC), in Jardine Hall, room 313, along with the Savaiano-Cress Language Lab.  Begun as a departmental collection, the holdings were incorporated in to the University Libraries system in 1981.  The library is named in honor of composer and former dean of the Wichita State University School of Music, Thurlow Lieurance.  The collection consists of scores, sound recordings (compact discs, phonograph records and audio cassettes), music videos, and basic music reference materials. The collection's primary purpose is to support the music curriculum, therefore the acquisition of new materials emphasizes the current areas of study and performance.


  • Audio and Video Stations: Audio/visual playback equipment for compact disc, LP, DVD, blu-ray, laser disc, and VHS formats. Headphones are available at the Circulation Desk. 
  • Computer, Printer, Copier:  Mac and Windows computers are available. Papercut account is used to pay for copy and print services.
  • Course Reserves: Course reserves materials can be checked out at the Circulation Desk.
  • Holds and Recalls: Holds and recalls can be placed on items that are currently checked out. For further details, inquire at the Circulation Desk.
  • Keyboard Studio:  88-key electronic keyboard with headphones, for playing through a music score in the collection or for creating and/or editing one's musical work.
  • Language Lab:  For classes upon reservation by MCLL instructors, individuals may utilize classroom stations upon request when not otherwise reserved.
  • Research Help: The Music/Fine Arts Librarian is available for research assistance or class library instruction by prior arrangement. Please phone (316-978-3029 or 316-978-5078) in advance to arrange a mutually convenient time. 
  • Search Assistance: May be requested when library items cannot be found. Inquiry at the Circulation Desk.
  • Study Areas: Open study areas for individual and group study.
Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X