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Research and Instructional Services

General Information

Ablah Main Floor with ref office circled


Research and Instructional Services librarians are subject-specialist librarians who provide library instruction, order requested books and other materials, and provide all levels of research assistance for faculty, staff, and students in all departments and colleges. Links to these services are found in the left column.

To find the librarian assigned to your subject area or department, find the Directory of Subject Librarians in the left column. Our offices are all in the Reference Offices suite (room 122) on the main floor of Ablah Library.

RIS Librarians also plan and teach a 1-credit library research/information literacy class, library badge classes, and several workshops. Find guides to these classes and workshops on our Course Guide page.

Research Services

Bowen, Aaron Instruction and Research Services Librarian and Associate Professor 316-978-5077
Crane, Rachel Associate Professor and Music and Fine Arts Librarian 316-978-5078
Filbert, Nathan Instruction and Research Services Librarian and Associate Professor 316-978-5210
Kuhlmann, Meghann Instruction and Research Services Librarian and Associate Professor 316-978-5075
Lindsay, Ethan Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian and Assistant Professor 316-978-5081
Paul, Angela Instruction and Outreach Librarian and Teaching Professor 316-978-5084
Unruh, Kelsey Library Research Specialist 316-978-5071

Government Documents and Patents & Trademarks

Pierpoint, Jessica Library Patent and Trademark Specialist 316-978-5074

Music Library

Ramirez, Cathy Music Library Supervisor 316-978-3029 catherine.ramirez@wichita.ed
Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X