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MLS 453: Clinical Chemistry

MLS 453: Clinical Research

Laboratory test

IAVI Design and Development Lab. (2011, Apr. 26). AIDS Vaccine. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons License.

Hello and welcome!  On this page you will find tabs on the left linking you to different types of resources useful for MLS 453, such as the CHP Evidence Based Practice Portal, article databases, and general guidelines on how to write literature reviews and create citations.  If you have any questions, please call or send me an e-mail.  My contact info is on the left.

Journal Article Review Assignment

Perform an evidence-based literature or journal review for the purpose of answering a clinical question. The purpose of reviewing articles based on evidence-based research is to facilitate better decision making in clinical practice and healthcare delivery. Your article review needs to be comprehensive enough that physicians, laboratory management (supervisors, managers, directors), and other healthcare providers could develop a good understanding of the article, determine its relevancy in clinical practice, and make informative decisions based on your journal review rather than having to read the article themselves.

Student will learn how to:

  • Identify the various components  of journal articles in order to evaluate an article’s strengths and/or weaknesses
  • Identify high-quality literature or journal sources
  • Perform a search using online databases in order to find an appropriate article

Click on the instructions tab above to see what you need to do.

Each student will research and find their own journal article correlating a medical or disease condition with an associated laboratory test methodology. Each student will present the material in an organized, computerized format by the assigned due date. Assignment may be presented in paper form or by e-mail. A copy of the article needs to be submitted along with the article review assignment. Student will include all applicable criteria for the selected journal article (use the criteria as a guideline, not a specific requirement, because some criteria may not be available or relevant to the article).

Book a Study Room!

Ablah Library has 20 study rooms that hold anywhere from 2-14 people. Some rooms are first-come, first-serve and others can be reserved online.

We also have 2 study rooms (called seminar rooms) where you can practice presentations. These rooms are equipped with laptops, a projector and screen.

Click the link below to reserve a room.

Wichita State University Libraries, 1845 Fairmount, Box 68, Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 | Phone: (316) 978-3481 | Comments/Suggestions | Facebook Instagram X