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ENGL 361: Major British Writers II

Welcome to the research guide for ENGL 361: Major British Writers II

This guide will assist you in conducting research for your assignments. The databases, journals, and web sites will help you find scholarly articles and criticism to use as secondary sources as well as primary sources. 
If you need any assistance locating or using the sources listed, please contact Meghann Kuhlmann, the English Librarian.
The tabs on the left of this guide include:
  • Scholarly Sources
    • Use these resources to find criticism and other scholarly sources as well as original texts and biographical information.
  • Historical Research
    • Use these resources to find archival material including newspaper articles, pamphlets, diary or journal entries, maps, and other historical  documents.
  • Citing Sources

Image source: Posthumous Portrait of Shelley Writing Prometheus Unbound by Joseph Severn (1845)

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