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DH 360: Fundamentals of Advanced Professional Roles

DH 360: Fundamentals of Advanced Professional Roles

Hello and welcome!  On this page you will find tabs on the left linking you to different types of resources useful for DH 360, such as getting started with the research process, how best to search databases, how to evaluate the information you find, and general guidelines writing citations and avoiding plagiarism.  Please note that online access to the article databases is restricted to current WSU students, as marked by a  icon.

If you have any questions, please call or send me an e-mail.  My contact info is on the left.



Jonathon Coleman. (2009, Dec. 18). Dental X-rays. Retrieved from Used under the Creative Commons License.

Book a group study room in the library

There are 20 group study rooms located throughout Ablah Library. Thirteen rooms are available for use on a first-come, first-serve basis. The remaining seven rooms may be reserved by current WSU students, faculty and staff. Study rooms can accommodate groups of 2 to 14 people depending on room size.

You can book a room through this form.  Visit the Circulation Desk within 15 minutes of your reservation start time to check out the room key.  

Locate your study room using the Ablah Library Floor Guide

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