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COMM 430: 2016-1

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Brighter Than Sunshine. (2005, Jul. 10). Conversation. Retrieved from C:\Users\u878f388\Desktop\2016-11-11 12_22_30-All sizes _ conversation _ Flickr - Photo Sharing!.jpg. Used under the Creative Commons License.

These Reference databases can help if you need to find some facts or background information on your topic.

Opposing Viewpoints and CQ Researcher

These databases are an excellent source for articles on all types of social and controversial issues. Different perspectives on the issues they cover are provided with topic overviewspro/con viewpoints, court-case overviews, and more.  If you're not sure about your topic, you can browse through a list of current topics and issues to help give you ideas. 


Opposing Viepoints


CQ Researcher


WSU Libraries has a number of print books from both the Opposing Viewpoints series and the Taking Sides series that can assist you in determining topics for a persuasive or informative speech. Search "opposing viewpoints" or "taking sides" in SmartSearch (on the Finding Books & Articles tab to the left).


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some full text = Some full text

abstract / citation = Abstract / Citation

index = Index

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