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ANTH 416 Archaeology of Sex and Gender

Searching Tips

When searching databases or the Online Catalog, consider the following when entering your keyword search terms:

1.  Think about some basic terms that describe your research interest that you could enter in the database.
Some example: gender and textiles and archaeology
                                gender roles and Aztecs
                                women and pottery and archaeology
                                sex determination and bioarchaeology
                                grave goods and sex roles

2. However, are there synonyms or very similar terms that could also be used when searching for your topic? 

    For example:     gender or women or men or sex or male or female or feminism or or femininity or masculinity
                              weaving or textiles or sewing
                              lithics or projectile points or stone tools
​                              pottery or ceramics
                              gender roles or sex roles
                              archaeology or antiquities or prehistory
                              rock art or petroglyphs 
3. Are there ways to "truncate" a term to pick up alternative spellings or singular/plural?
    For example:     archaeolog*  -- for archaeology or archaeological or archaeologies
                              lithic* --  for lithic or lithics
                              textile* -- for textile or textiles
                              sex* -- for sex, sexual, sexuality, sexualities  
                              maya* -- for maya, mayas, mayan
​                              dimorphi* -- for dimorphic and dimorphism
                              femini* -- for feminine or feminism or femininity 
        Note: The most common truncation symbol is an asterisk *. The Online Catalog uses a question mark?
4. If appropriate or helpful, use additional terms and truncated terms in your search statement.
    Examples of search statements:                                        
                               gender and textile* and archaeolog*
                                    (gender or women) and (weaving or textile*) and mississippian
                               (gender or women) and archaeological fieldwork
                               sex* dimorphi* and traits and human*
                               (pottery or ceramic*) and women and archaeolog*

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