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First-Year Seminar Tutorials

This series of tutorials is designed to introduce students to library resources, services, and the basics of conducting research

Know Your Sources

The human world is a veritable web of information. Information can come from many different types of sources. Which kind should you use? It depends on what questions you are trying to answer.

Rule of thumb: Use a variety of sources to add validity and depth to your work.  A variety of sources also opens your point-of-view to opinions that differ from yours.  That's a good thing! 

The following tutorial will examine a variety of information types and materials regularly used for academic research. Please note that although these tutorials can be viewed on mobile devices and tablets, many of them display best on computers.

The quiz for this module is at the bottom of this page.

Click anywhere on the image to begin.

Know Your Sources Quiz -- This quiz does not work in IE.

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