Visit a librarian at the Reference Desk on the first floor of Ablah Library or contact a Subject Librarian to make an appointment. See the full schedule of library hours for the main library (Ablah) and for the Music branch libary. Ablah Library hours are also available on an automated phone line: 316-978-3581.
Circulation Desk (Ablah Library) 316-978-3582
Reference Desk (Ablah Library) 316-978-3584
Music Library 316-978-3029
Interlibrary Loan 316-978-3167
Email a librarian with your question.
When writing a paper or conducting academic research, you’ll come across many different types of sources, including periodical articles. Periodical articles can be comprised of news accounts, opinion, commentary, scholarly analysis, and/or reports of research findings. There are three main types of periodicals that you will encounter: scholarly/academic, trade, and popular (for the purposes of this class, we'll ignore popular periodicals. The chart below will help you identify which type of periodical your article comes from.
Text and chart adapted from the WSU University Libraries' How to Distinguish between types of Periodicals guide