Ablah Library has spaces and technology to facilitate working in groups, creating and practicing presentations, and crafting multimedia projects. Here are a few resources to facilitate group work. Be sure to ask a librarian or stop by the Circulation Desk if you have questions or want more information.
Four large group study tables are next to the Research Services Department and the Government Documents stacks. Students may share a screen on the large TV monitor, and with the Clickshare connectors, may see up to 4 laptops either tiled or by scrolling.
Other spaces on the second floor, main floor, and lower level provide additional space for groups to collaborate. (The third floor is a quiet floor.)
The 24-Hour Study Room has a variety of seating styles facilitating group and individual work. There are also six PC workstations, one Mac workstation, a printer, white boards, vending machines, emergency call buttons, and a restroom.
Reserve rooms for 4-8 people using this handy scheduling system, or calling the Circulation Desk at 978-3592. Pick up the room key at the Circulation Desk. Don't be late! The room and key is forfeited 15 minutes after the beginning of the reservation start time. Additional rules and policies found on the Study/Seminar Room Policy page.
Go to the Technology Equipment Guide for additional equipment, checkout details, and restrictions.